LIST OF ADVERTISERS--Continued Page Page BOSTON, MASS. Chamberlin, Prank EH. . «..:2.00. ice. hie alt Submarine Siewal (0. .. 3. 334 Chicago Marine Illinois Bell Telephone Co. (Way) .......... 39 Chicago Shipbuilding ©Co. -....0 6.0... a 7 American Shipbuilding co a -- Peete 1 Chicago, Wilmington & Franklin Coal Co. ................-. 21 Automotive Trade Steamship Go... .. «0.5. i i ae. 494 oe cae & Engineering Co. ............+.-.+4-. Boland & Cornelius De 53 Fitzg eraldcCe 314 oe ae oe oe Bo Se ae Freeman Coal, Mining Co...) 0... 2 2. ee 318 re S ry Mie. C ow A os So ee 519 Great Lakes, Towing Go. ....25).250 32.5555 235 Di ee 95 GREEN'S GREAT LAKES DIRECTORY ...............4.. 13 eae ue 36 island Creek Coal Salés Co... 4.4275) 2 31 hie) eet he OE ea ge Re Bee Marsh & McLennan: ....2....0.5...0 35. 2. 95 Frontier Marine Supply Co. .......-..- 1s see e sees ener eee 318 North Pier Terminal Co. . <2. .¢.23-.555-30 02 77 Gehm, John. ..... pee eee en eee ee ee 510 Osbom & Lance; Inc... 9 reat Lakes Towime 00... ee a se 205 Peabody Coal Co 376 GREEN'S GREAT LAKES DIRECTORY «....... oo. 18 | pail Te Water bremfer Gp Gunn, P. ae ee 127 Raleigh Sinokeless Fuel (oe 20 2 0 2 488 Hutchins Marine Laundry .....-....-+-1 sees esse esse ees 510 Shippers Fuel Gort. 22. .2..2.26,2.--4.3..5. 0 484 ay South Chitago Coal:& Bock Cor... 73 Drvermavional Pumiestors Ree... 6... eee 481 Salven & Co. D oS 81 Marner Hdward. @ SOns «2: 3. ee 486 Upson-Walion Coe. 4 181 Waren & Melenman 2. oe 95 Walther & Neonan 6 ie 215 Mollenbere-petz. Machine Co.. Ine... 623.65. ee ee 484 ce CINCINNATI OHIO BEQOPCG, ThOiias J. ee 189 K Coal C , 1 Oldiidn Boiler Works, nc... 55 enieh Prods Be ee a 3 (eriakes Mreigat Corp. oo 9 , eo ee es oo ee Boies te EL 60 Island Creek Coal Sales €o0..... 2500. 6. 31 Nondtie, © ob 2 eo ee 189 CLAYTON, N.Y. Rochester & Pittsburen Coal Con. 2.2.25. a 69 Consaul-Hall Co. Inc... 6.66. 6 243 menisin, 1) Ga ee 486 ee a CLEVELAND, OHIO Btandara Ol Co, 92. ee 30 American Siinbusiding Ce. 2 7 CHICAGO, ILL. Batley, Ray: lc vs... 35.45. os at os ee Inside Rear Cover American Shipbuilding Co. 2. og ee ee ae se 7 Berwind Fuel Go. 2.223 26 ob oi ee ee ss 27 Demnke & Son, Bo A lo ea a es 480 Boland & Cornelius: . ¢scces0 eer 53 Bella Zoller Coal Co... 0: 3 ei 35 Boom Boiler & Welding Co. ee ee ee 482 Berwing Puel U0. 3.5 a ee ee 27 Bryson, GoW foreseen ce Sea Bee 496 Catumet Shinyard & Drydock Co, .2. 20... se es ie de ee 319 Cleveland-Cliff fs fron: ©0. 66. oo i 6a oe es ee 43-51 Central Shippin' 00. ..6. ee a a aLT Cleveland-Gliffs: Steamship. Go. «2. 2 yn ee 43 515