U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WEATHER BUREAU _ SMALL CRAFT, STORM and HURRICANE WARNINGS Small Craft Storm Hurricane Northeasterly Southeasterly Southwesterly Northwesterly Winds Winds Winds Winds Flags 8 feet square. Pennants 5 ft. hoist. 12 foot fly. EXPLANATION OF SMALL CRAFT, STORM, AND HURRICANE WARNINGS Small Craft Warning--A red pennant indicates that moderately strong winds are expected. Storm Warning--A red flag with a black center indicates that a storm of marked violence is expected. The pennants displayed with the flags indicate the direction of the wind; white, westerly; red, easterly. The pennant above the flag indicates that the wind is expected to blow from the northerly quadrants; below from the southerly quadrants. By night a red light indicates easterly winds, and a white light below a red light westerly winds. Hurricane Warning--Two red flags with black centers, displayed one above the other, indicate the expected approach of a tropical hurricane, or one of those extremely severe and dangerous storms which occasionally move across the Lakes and northern Atlantic Coast. Neither small craft nor hurricane warnings are displayed at night. READ CAREFULLY EVERY ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS DIRECTORY ar 93