/\ A C2 DA Res ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued No. No. No. . 150 151 152 153 NATIONAL SAND & MATERIAL CO., LTD., G. G. Robin- son, Mgr., W. M. Edington, Supt., Harbor Comm. Bldg., Phone Elgin 5432, Toronto, Ont. Str. Dick, Charles Str. Dick, Baxter NEWAYGO TUG LINE, INC., Geo. C. Schneider, Vice Pres., 221 No. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill., H. S. Mosher, . gr., Public Utilities Bldg., Phone North 252, Pt. Arthur, nt. Tug Butterfield Scow Newaygo NIAGARA, ST. CATHERINES & TORONTO RY. CO., LTD., CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMERS, J. R. Empringham, Supt., Geneva St., St. Catherines, Ont. Pur. Agt., J. W. Corbett, C. N. R. Express Bldg.,1 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ont. Str. Northumberland Dalhousie Nav. Co., Ltd. Str. Dalhousie City NICHOLSON TRANSIT CO., Wm. Nicholson, Pres., C. E. Jackson, Traffic Mgr., R. O. Jackson, Pur. Agt., S. F. - Dupont Fleet Engineer. Phone Vinewood 2-4300, Box 66, River Rouge 18, Mich., Foot Great Lakes Ave., Ecorse © 18, Mich. Nicholson Transit Co. ~~ A, we. B., en, F\ ALG LRG eet Str. Canopus 2 ve | Str. Donnelly, Charles ee Str. Fellowcraft Str. Ironwood Str. Iselin, Adrian Str. Perseus M/V Material Service Str. Pope, E. C. Str. Steel King Str. Tampico Str. Watt, James Bge. Swederope No. No. No. 155 156 . 157 . 158 159 . 160 Tri-Lakes Steamship Co. Str. Rockwood NORTH AMERICAN TRANSPORTS, LTD., R. A. Camp- bell, Mgr., M. B. Donnelly, Supt., 635 Common St., Phone Marquette 8383, Montreal, Que. M. S. Redcloud M. S. Redfern M. S. Redriver M. S. Redwood NORTHERN PAPER MILLS, LTD., A. K. McNaughton, Mer., Green Bay, Wis. Str. Norco Bge. Leona--New Name Normill NORTHWEST STEAMSHIPS, LTD., D. Alton Hudon, Mer., J. M. Hood, Traffic Mgr., 59 King St. East, Phone Elgin 0513, Toronto, Ont. Str. Hudson, A. A. Str. Superior ONTARIO CAR FERRY CO., LTD., CANADIAN NA- TIONAL RY. CO., J. A. Sauve, Mgr., 384 St. James St., Phone Marquette 4731, Montreal, Que. Str. Ontario No. 1 Str. Ontario No. 2 ORANGE LINE, LAKES OVERSEAS SHIPPING CO., N. A. Betzer, Mgr., J. J. Boskovich, Supt., 307 No. Michigan Ave., Phone State 6231, Chicago, Ill. Str. Prins Frederick Hendrix Str. Prins Maurits Str. Prins Willem II Str. Prins Willem III Str. Prins Willem Van Orange ORIENTAL MILLS TRANSIT CO., Quay St., Manitowoc, Wis. Str. White Swan Sold to Capt. R. B. Lyons, Lorain, Ohio tenancies