Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Green's Great Lakes Directory, 1946, p. 125

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ERNST SUPPLY CO. Marine Service MEATS, GROCERIES, FRESH VEGETABLES DAY OR NIGHT PHONE 990 or 584 E. M. ERNST, Prop. 1300 St. Clair St, ASHLAND, WISCONSIN Successor to Ted Ernst, Deceased Co ae FOODS TOLEDO, OHIO Marine Service and Supplies A complete line of MEATS, SEAFOOD, POULTRY, GREEN GOODS, GROCERIES, DAIRY PRODUCTS, FROSTED FOODS, and SUNDRIES Day and Night Service including Sundays and Holidays Store and Warehouse 7 and 9 Superior St. Phone GArfield 8355 ADams 3717 Residence Phone MAin 1739--Art Wagner MAin 4406--Guy Walters CHAS. N. McHENRY CITY and MARINE MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY 339-341 E. Erie Avenue LORAIN, OHIO Phone 8134 Day and Night 125

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