GENERAL DIMENSIONS AND STATISTICS--Continued DIMENSIONS . ¥. HATCHES | g a CAPACITY OF COMPARTMENTS be 'S = & 6 "GROSS" ' Ne a fee eee ee ee ge a ee zs Go| 8 16 |an #4 2 og) eel ck eset 46s 8 BARGES 2 2 2 S4A Alfred J. (Can.):.... 3306 Steel' 5/00 378.2 45' © 26' 6 eles 3 Arch Side 1897 1500 2000 2200 10 Arow..0 $93 Steel 500, 165". ba = 9167 2 Gee 1896 300 200 40 Foot Boom STEAMERS 4-28x12 2 1 2 1 74 Badger State......... 1539. Steel. 2700 250' 42'. 20' 6 a 4 Arch 1912 700 --500- 900 .- 600 38.4 228 Baird; Frk B. (Can:). 1748. Steel 2400. 253' . 13°17 20 © 12/329" 24" 2 Arch 1923. 1100 © 1300 12 12 11 175. Baker. Geo. FF. .. 7698: Steel" 11300 580°. 58'... a2 35 97x90" 12' 3 Arch Side 1907 4000 3300 4000 7 6 6 9 217 Balt Brothers... 2 5733 Steel (9100. 480" 52. 30" 28. 12' 4 Arch Side 1905 2300 2000 2000 2800 72 Barnes, Andrew M.... 1040 Steel 1900 -2426" 36'1" 12'9" -7 I2'x20' 7 1921 About 270 tons each 3-12x30 72 Barnes; Julius H..-... 1623 Steel. 3100. 290 42... 21 5 1-50x30 5 Arch 1940 -18x 72 Barnes, Richard J...2; 1040 Steel 1900 242'6" Sol" 12" 7 12'x20 Z 1921 About 270 tons each 3 3 32 Barne (Can) 2s 1823 Steel 2500 252' 43). = 19'6'".-6 Palen 24. 2 Arch 1925: 1250 1350 137 Batiscan (Can)... 1656 Steel 500. 200% = 4027 177 1909 Package Freight 32 Battleford (Can.)..°.. 2357 Steel 2500 248' 436" Zo' (- 25'x20° 2 Arch 1925 1600 2300 1800 1 1 48 Bavfax (Can)... 1126 Steel: 1500 °201'3": 37' . IG 2 csc 1912 750 750 Length of Boom 65 Ft. 137: Bayleat (Can.):....- 1544 Steel 2500 246 . 41°. 2153" 1903 : : : ; 189 - Bayton (Can:) 2... A176 Steel 7200 -416'. 50 228 = fa eeu 24° 4 - Arch 1904 2000 1600 1600 2000 205 Beaumont Parks..... 4154 Steel Oi 375" a2. 25. 1912 32 - Beaverton (Can.).... 2012 Steel - 3000 249 42" = 24" 2a 38 1908 Package Freight 131