NAMES OF BOATS WHICH HAVE BEEN CHANGED--Continued PRESENT NAME. OLD NAME. PRESENT NAME. OLD NAME. Ste. Sagi os Oe Walter Scranton. Str. Soo. City (Can) 3 Mabel Bradshaw. Te SaOON, ee J. L. Replogle--Chas. Weston. 9. Soedoe (Can) 7 Moses Taylor. » oaunders, Jr, BIN. so, Abraham Stearn. = South Pak Frank Rockefeller. _. esaunders, Ir, FN... Wm. H. Becker--A. W. Thompson Sorel) Duchess of York. oavace. J. Christopher--Thomas Britt. "3, Sowarde (Can.). 2... 2? Rand. eo ocandrett, HAS 00... North Starr. | PANE he a Frank W. Hart. o- Schneider, AT Roo Charles R. VanHise. " -, Spruce Bay (Can). <.. Soutier. "© Senneider; Cletus...) ..- Thomas Adams. "- Squire, Samuel H.. ..... Cetus-_H.'S. Silk ~ sochneider, Pam... 5 2 R. J. Paisley--Geo. L. Craig. ** Stand, Portland Cement. .C. F. Moll. "° ) Senoelikapt, Ir, Jo F222. Hugh Kennedy. Bge. Stanley, H. M. (Can.)....J. H. Breck. = scobell, Joseph S... Griffin. Str. 'Staristead (Can) 20 2. Clyde. * Seeord, Capt. C.D. ». 8. Way A. E. R. Schneider -- > Staples, Gale (Can)... Caledonia. Cat jo oS a. Charles R. Van Hise. Starbuck (Gan) 2 2, Nine--Scranton Bge. Senlim (Can.)..........- Uranus. "= Starmout (Can ys. Pabjune. Bit. Segwin (Can, ) ic. Nipissing. 't- State of New York. <2. -; City of Mackinac. eo eer, Pirate a Rhodes, Joshua W. " Gtate of Ohio... 7 City of Alpena. 'J pemsibal, J. Frank C. Ball. "Stee Kite 520 30 Delos W. Cooke 'Senator Derbyshire....... Bermuda. 2 Stechon se H. K. Oakes--Milinoket. ie nese C. W. Watson. 'Stevens, Frank B. (Can.).St. Joseph. SMW, Ao da J. R. Langdon. oo Stiel, Wim. Foo eee Normania. Oe sonedaie, J ei W. G. Mather. "> Storemount (Can)... Avon. 7) Shelter Bay (Can.)...... New York News. "Strom Herman, © 2 A. H. Ferbert--A. F. Harvey---W isconsin 7 Sherprooke (Can.) 0... Edw. L. Strong. Wo Steupess, Geo. Higgie. = sonermman, Fo Wo... Elmore, S. S. Curry. '"" Ste. Annie De Beaupre " Shiras, McGillivray... ... Umbria. (Can yo Quebec. | pidoey (Wan)... O'Connor Dick [St idee 3 Colonel Pond. ee Minis (05.32. De eas R. L. Ireland. - oot. Wvenee (Can) 8. Canada. mother, Bo 2... John Mee. > (St, Lawrence... iia. 0 John Webster. Per OUVED OUIAy. F. E. Kirby. ota, Wo) Collinge--Cumberland. ) emcee (an)... Glencorrie. cSt, Lawrence: 3 John Webster. P pummpson, J Woo ed: Manchester. -- "Sullivan Brothers........ Otto M. Reiss--F. B. Wells. PE MOd. 20, ce es ote W. F. Rapprich. ". Sumatta 2 Empire City. (i muck, Edward F . . D. B. Meacham. = Superior (Can, y <2 Parks Foster. omit Alfred T... 22... Rochester. s SUDENOL. . 5 Richard J. Reiss--Geo. W. Peavey : Suuth, Edmund P........ Harry Yates--Consumers Power- SByracuse 2 Geronia. , J. T. Kopp--G. N. Wilson. S ASWeNet 1 LC. Sinith, Smith, Home (Can.)..... Wm. S. Mack. " Swederope (Can.).. 2.2. Sidney G. Thomas. smith, Sidtiey Bo... ., M. M. Broad--W. P. Palmer. ee ee i ee Wotan. " S.N. A. No. 1 (Can.).... International. *. Sedalia 3 D. M. Philbin--Sylvania. * mOtua (Coan Delson--Hidarves. Bee: Taber; Horace..-.:... 2. Amoskeag. SONOMA © 72 D. S. Troxel. str. Tadousac (Can.)........ Virginia. 226