ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS Yeu VESSEL ; Built Type | Cylinders and Stroke | No. | Type | Size Dower. a driple Exp. 267. 24-38-65x42 2 Scotch. 4 a. 14°6"x13° 1943 roe. 9.7... 'Triple Fxp.. 35 22-35-58x40 2 Scotch 2 6 2. 13'S" 310 1908 Prowoing Troy Hl... Tipe Hxp: 20-33 14-55 :40 2 Scotch 2. 12'10"x13' 1902 BUeVe . i, Triple EXD.) 2214-35 14-58 14x42 2 Scotch. 2 4, IS27 se 1901 iucreye State'. 2-cycle Diesel 5... . 1930 uid, Halph ee. Ouad. Exp.ce 3. 67s. 2034-30-43 14-63x42 2 SCOtCH 8 650i 14'9/'x12' 1905 panogion, Fj. Triple Exp. ; 24-39-65x42 2 Water Tube...-i.. 1943 mukotie: (oan) ee ariple xp... 18-30-50x36 Z SCOIC1 4. 13x11! 1929 unsen, ROW Ee (und. xp... ee. 2014-30-4314-63x42 2 BOOED... 4... 15'47x1" 1916 Burke, Jos. Pan) 2 Atinleg xp. fo. S. 15-25-40x33 2 Secon. 6 8 10'x10'10" _. 10m Burlington ee ee Triple Pep.) 6. 17x29x47x36 2 SEOUCh.. 6. eo. I3xil 1918 Boer, Maren ae. diipie Exp... 23. 8. 22-35-58x40 2 Scotch... 226... o.. Ino x11 6G 1906 Butler, 1G2h 8 es. Triple EXD. 4 1. 2314-38-63x42 2 SOU 25... 2.0, 14'6"x1 16" 1905 Byes AM fe Tripie EXD. 77 us. 23 16-38-63x42 2 Scorch oo 14'6"x11'6" 1910 ages a. aviple Hep. 24-41-68x42 2 Water Tube...._.. 1943 ReGen COMD. 8. 22-32-32x36 2 MCGEE 6 5. ae, 14'x10'6" 1928 CmaWee Wi ee ak ESA 1626570. 1 SPO ee. 14'6"'x14' 1893 ee ee 2 Quad Exp. 62. 3... 19-2714-40-58x42 3 Scoteh 5... 2 LUG XI 6" 1912 Oe (Can ss Diesel Internal Comp. .. 934-12 Caipern (an). 8 epee 1914-33-54x36 2 Seoten. 2. 14671 1905 Oo Te Trple Pap... 22-35-58x42 2 ecoteh: 0. ISO oxi VG 1907 Coiverey, UD Tviple Exp. 22-35-58x42 2 Scotch 2 132051 6" 1902 Ce ple hx. 2314-38-63x42 2 Water Tube... .... 14°6'x11'6" 1910 Bere a ee Triplejeep. 6 23-37-63x42 ys scotch £23, 0 15'4°x1 6 1913 agg (en) ee, Triple Bxp. 19-32-52x36 2 ScOtCy 3-5 ta. 13'x10° 1907 Rees es AYIDIC BRD. os |. 20-32-50x36 Ms Scotch £0478. 132x116 1910 (eesdoe (Can) dtple Exp. 23-37 14-63x42 3 Sectch 22 126° x12" 1899 ee Triple Exp... 22-3 j-60x40 2 Scotch... £2020 132 xh 6 1905 We eo M&As ee 17-34x26 1 SeOtch: 5. x12 1904 Carron, Weston Mi 8 ee, Bow A 6 ee, 22-44x30 1 Mire BOX. Iix12" 1901 Seton. ee a Triple Px. 5). 17-2716-46x26 1 Meoten 146x116" 1904 a Ore a) ee Tre Exo) 15-25-40x33 2 SCOECH 5 ea 10°31' 1928 ee Oe) Triple exp. 9.2 17-28-46x33 2 Scotch 12'x11' 1927 Cems, al a Triple Exp. 36 22-35-58x40 a Seoten 465 3, 14'x11' 1925 Cayuga (Can. ) ee, Ouad Exp. 1714-25-36-52x30 7 Scotch... 2. 1V6"xi2 1906