ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued = ENGINES BOILERS Pr Type | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type | Size : Cement Karrier (Can)... 8 2 Diesel Electric. . 2)... ; 1930 Chocomac... 4.3). i Triple hp 22-35-58x40 2 Seotch. = 2.2... 13'2"'x12' 1915 Champlaify 7 2.2253. es ACyE Comp... 0. 8. 225%£-225%4-50-50x48 Z Water Tube... 1943: Chremone (Can) =. i: Tple Hap. 16-27-44x33 2 Scotch «5 3 1924 Cheyenne (an)... =). dtipie BRD oo, 15-25-40x33 2 Scotch: 10'x10'9"" 1929: (Chicora... . 62222 stole, (ond. ae 1014-20x14 1 Scotch. 3.0 a. 11'x10' 1896 Chicago Tribune (Can)... Diese. 1930: Chicago... 0 Taple Pep... 20-33-54x40 2 Scotch. 3. 14'°6°x1)' 1918 Chicora (Can). Osel Cond: 9.2.2. 52x48 Z Scotch. 3... 50 3]. 12 iV 1890 Chicootimt (Can). 4 2. Bean Cond... 2.2.2: 45x120 2 Scotch- 4 14'x9' Ciel Wawataay 4. 3 PMple Exp. ee. 21-33-52x40 6 Scotch =... 4. 13'6!'x12' 1911 Chippewa.5 6 dTtiple Exp: 35. .62 20-33-54x40 a Scotca: 132 xl' 1920: City of Chebovian =. @ liiple Exp... 14-22 14-38x32 2 Scotgn 5 136" 312° 1910: Caty of Cleveland. =... Inclined Comp... <. 2... iene 8 SOOUCH. ea. 13'O"s 116" 1907 City of Detroit Sa. 2 sa Inctined Comp... 62-92-92x102 6 SCOtCh: 5.60253. 1911 Caty of Dresden (Can)... Poe A 15-26x18 i SOOLCH oe. 8'x12' 1910: 'Civ of Flint' No. 32. Turbine Generator...... 4 Water fube.....-. 1929 (iy of Grand Rapids... Triple bap.) ee. . 26-42-51-51x42 6 SCOLCH. 62 2 oa 12°6"x 116" 1912. City of Hamilton (Can). i. Tviple Px... 18-30-50x36 2 Scotch, 3 1Zo x1 1927 City of Kingston (Can:). 2. Trple CX eo 18-30-50x36 2 Scotch... 2. 13°6"x11' 1926: City of Midland 41.0 ks 2 Skinner Ma:iie Unaflow 5 Cyl-25" Dia. 4 Foster Wheeler..... 1941 30"Stroke 'Type "Do City of Montreal (Can)... aYiple UX. 6. 18-30-50x36 2 Scoten 13'6"xil" 1927 City of Munising =... 2... 2 lriple Exp... _ 19-31-52x36 4 SEOUL 6 139° x12' 1903. Caty of Petoskey. 2 2 Triple Bxp.3. 19-31-52 14x36 4 Scotch... 13'°8"x12" 1901 City of Port Huron... 3 EOQ A 8 20-38x24 ko Fire Box... 9'6"x15 1890: (ity of Saginaw 31 2 Turbine Generator... . 1929 (iy of Sarnia. Double H. FP... 2014-2014 -22 1 Bee box. 2 10'x14' _ 1926. Cy of St. Isnace, 2 Beam Cond: 66x144 4 Seoren. 2x! (iy of Wcléip: 8 2 ee 'Triple ap... 26-42-66x72 5 Scotch... 10'6"x10'6" 1916 City of Toronto (Can)... 3 3. Pople xpos. 18-30-50x36 2 Scotch. =. 2.52... 2. 13'6"X10 - 1926. Civ ol Windsst (Can)... 3 Triple Bp... 8... 18-30-50x36 2 SeOteH 6. 6. . 10'10x13'3" 1929. ee AS Quad: Pie 8. 1814-2814-43 14-66x42 2 Water Tube... .... Tie x12'2" 1907 Piemcot N Po On Triple xp. 0 2 16-27-44x33 2 SCOrGN =. ace 12'xiV' 1923 ton OM Triple ERO... 26... a ss 2414-41-65x42 3 Scotch 2 a8, 136" x1" 1916 Rk Ewa Diesel. 2... 1923 249