ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS vou Type | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type | Size Built Ciyde, Wm: Ge Triple Exp. 3 2. 2414-41-65x42 3 SCOU ea, 14*x12¢ 1929 parrax (Can) 2 ee ae Triple hep... 16-27-44x33 2 SCOtCh = i 10'6"'x12'6" 1927 GCemnavyen (Can. ):0. 4-2... ee. Triple Exp... 2. 18-30-50x36 2 Beoicd 2 13'6"s1 1928 per (Can) Comp. Exp: 2... 24-48x36 2 SCO a 12'xt)" 1924 Cae Thomas t: .. e. Ape PX. oe 24-39-65x42 2 Scotch Rebuilt 1930 16'x11'9" 1907 Colingwood (Can). 00.2... ee driple Exp.) sc. 21-3314-57x42 2 BOOLON. 4 14'x12' 1907 forme, EC. Thiple Exp. 6 22-35-58x40 2 SCOLCh 2 14'x1 1° 1927 COWONE es Aniple exp. 3 18-29-48x40 2 SCOLCh: 2.4. 1l'6" xr 1901 mining Triple hip 5, 2114-34-54x36 2 LOCH. ee 1231327 1902 OOM a Jiiple a. 19-31-54842 2. Seotch. 2. 1913 Conischife Hall (Can.). 2:52 66, a: ATiple Exp. 4. 15-25-40x33 2 SEOtCh 10'6"x11' 1928 Conneaut. Oud Hen 1914-28 14-41-60x42 3 Scot IZ'sit6" 1916 Comunely, Wm M1. trple eg ee, 22-35-58x40 2 Scotch. 1329s TG 1901 (Consumers Power. 6... Stiple Exp. 6. 23-37-63x42 2 Scotch 2. 6s. L5's12 1910 Conway, Carlet) 2. TripleExp. 6 6. 2414-38-63x42 2 Scdtch. 2 15'x1 Po" 1940 (coehidge, S Bae 'Triple 25D... 19-3334-56x42 2 Scotch..3.. 2.52 12'6"'s12! 1902 orala 'Triple EXD. 7 22-39-63x42 2 SCOtCH ee, 14'6"x11'6" 1908 Rotey, WO Bek a Pape xp. 6. 24-39-65x42 2 Boge Wo 1937 Rermels Af. 6 ee AYIPIE PxG. 8 ee. 21-3414-57x42 2 SCOLGR. 3: 6. ce 13' x1 V'6"" 1908 CRE ee Quad Exes. 4. 2. 16-2634-41-63x42 2 Water Tube. -...... 11'4"'x10' 1927 <SoWal AVG PAD eS, 23-37-63x42 2 SCOtCH 22025 A, 15'x1 6" 1907 <Orawal (9): Beath Cond. >... 22.2, 45x120 2 Hire Box 6. (0222. 8'6"x19' 1892 Rormnna (Can). THple Bap 17-27-44x30 1 Seotch. 16'x11'6"' 1918 Moulby, Harty ee Triple (xp. ee 2514-42-67x42 3 Water Tube... ...' 1927 Cowad, Win Pe ee Tipe Exp: 2514-41-67x42 3 Scotch 2 14°51) 1918 Come, jonni, Wriple Exp. 2314-38-63x42 Z Scotch 5. 15'4"x11'6" 1910 re 'Ttiple Exo. 2... 2. 22 14-38-63x42 3 Scotch... ee ll'xi2'9" 1927 Cawiord (a Triple Exp...) 00022. 22 14-3714-65x42 z Water Tube. .... 13'4"x14'6" 1936 Cyr WD. Uriple xo 2, 2314-38-63x42 2 SCOtGh 15/4"x1 16" 1914 Rresrent Cit ee Ouad Exp. oa. 17-2434-35-58x42 2 Water Tube....... 8'x 12/6" 1923 Me Tipe Bap.) 2214-36-60x42 a Seotch. 3.624 ees 14'6"x11'6" 1907 ioe tat We Ouad Exp. 2%. - 20-29-42-61x42 3 Scotch . -.. a. Ge 126x103" 1908 Rye Oia an) Tnple Exp. 3... 2, 17-28-46x36 1 scotch 5.50 6. 16'6"x11'6" 1929 hyo Wee an) THe PSY. 19-33-54x42 2 Scotch: 24... 14'8"x11' 1930 Rovco Water (an). ea Tre Exp 19-33-54x42 2 Scotch... 2.5... 3. 14'8"x11' 1930 250