ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS -- Type | Cylinders and Stroke | No. | Type Size ; Danke, Hoo ee Poem Ae i Ae 16-34x26 1 Seetch 1167x129 1907 Dalhousie Laity (Can). Triple Exp. 2 18-29-48x30 2 SEOCCh 1. 13'6"x10'6" 1911 Daton, Ge a vipie EXD. 34. 2416-42-65x42 3 SCOLCH 22 5 ie 136' x11' 1916 Dalwarnie (Cain). 0 'Triple exp, 2 18-30-50x36 2 Scotch. = 532. 14'x10'9"' 1921 Danna 6 ee Tape ESD. 15-45-40x33 2 Scotch 3.6 2. 101x109" 1929 Dameis, Wo Hi. (Can). Triple Exp... 2: 2. 16-27-44x33 2 Scotch: 32). 12x11' 1923 Daryaw, Henry C. (Can) 20. a 2h: & A Comp... 2... 16-30x20 2 SOOUGH a a 12'6"x10'6" 1920 Deavidson, J. 000 Quad Exp 6, 18-27-40-62x42 3 Scotch 5 2. G. > 11'6°%x11'6" 1912 Davidson, James 2 4 ATIDIO KD. oe 2714-41-65x42 3 Scotch 6455.24, 13'6"x11' 1920 Davin; John W.... 'Triple Hxp os es 22 14-36-60x42 2 Scotchs) 139x116" 1907 Denmiatk. (20. Sa avipie EXD)... 2. 22 44-36-60x42 2 SEGECh 0 2: 14'6"x11'6" 1909 DOO ee F.& AL 4 Eng... c 24-48x33 6 Scotch 2 33; 13'x11/3"-2-22' 1904 Dewoiter.,. 2 se Twin Diesel 2c oe. 1923 Diamond Alka... .. 3.57 SMe BX. lee 24 14-40-65x42 3 Seoteh.. 2.2: 13'6"x11'3" 1917 Dick, Charies (Can) 3... 'Tile Bp oe. 19-32-56x36 2 Scotch 14'7"x10'8" 1922 Dickson, W. B..... ey Triple BSP) oo es 24-38-65x42 2 Water Tube .....:, 1944 Dinkev, Alvate.. ee duiple Exp...) oe: 24-39-65x42 2 Water Tube: <2... 1943 Dolomite No.1... 2 Diesel (Busch)....... 2-14144x1414 1933 Plomite N02 26. 2) se 2 Diesel as 1244x13 1 Scotch... f 522 2. 1937 polomite No; 3)... ee 2 Diesel. a 1216x13 1 SCO 3 a 1939 Dotomite No 40 ee 2 ese ea 1216x13 1 Scotch 22. 2 222; 1938 Wonnacona (Can) oo Tnple Exp. 6 a 24-39-65x42 2 Scotch: 6... 16'x1 1/5" 1914 Donnelly; Charlies, 22.03, Ouad tem. 6) as. 19-28-40-58x42 3 Scoteh. 3.22.2. 755 TPI'xt 1 6" 1898 monnet, Wot a ariple Bite 66 ese. 2314-38-63x42 2 Seotch. . oe 14'6"x11'6"" 1914 Douglas, Bot (Can) oe Triple Exp. 2... we. 16-27-44x33 2 SCOteh 3.25.5. 12'x11' 1923 Dow Chemical. 3 dviple Exp, 3. 20.2. 23-37-63x42 4 Scotch. i 15'x11'6" 1912 Duolap, Chas. Uo a Tle Tx e. 2414-41-65x42 3 Septch: 2. ee: 13'°6"x11'6" 1920. Sunn, JoGn, Jt. Ouad Bam 20-29-42-61x42 3 Scoten 33.4 12°6' "51 110" < $907 Durston, J.P. 2 eee, arple Exp... 042.500... 22-35-58x42 2 SCOMGN ee, 13'9"'x11'6"" 1908 fads, 3. B. (Can) as ee Triple Exp. 22-90:65542 2 Scotch, 8 15/4"x11'6"" 1915 Eastern States '3 Inclined Comp.......: 52-72-72x84 6 SOOKE a 1a'6" x1 bo" 1902 Baston (an 3 Tre EXO.) 620.2. sc: 17-28-46x33 2 Seotch = - 2a 12x11' 1912 Paste Can Triple bee. 220... 17-29-47x36 1943 Pavon; Geo. Gk, ae Triple Exo. 6 2... ss 15-25-40x33 2 Scotch 2.3 vee, 10'4"x10/10"" 1929 Edenborn, WE ee Quad Exp.... 1614-25-3814-60x40 2 Water Tube... -... 15'8"x10'8"" 1927 251