ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS | Year Type | Cylinders and Stroke | No. | Type Size hese Bemoenton Moab.) a. TDG Expo oo: 17-28-46x33 2 Scote. 452502. 1P'x 106" 1906 Bia. Triple hxp.. 7 2 e . 22-35-58x42 2 Scotch 5-2 662. 139.5116" 1907 Pigin (Can) 2 Triple xp: 16-26 14-44x33 2 Scotch]. 12'6"x10'6" 1975 Miiwood, 1:14.00... ee. Ouad EXD... 03.5... 1614-25-3814-60x40 2 Water Tube. . 6.7, 1Z'xk)" 1924 Pimery, Joln Ko .8 6.7 ee. Non-Cond:.. 2. 20... 14x16 1 Firé Box. ee. 1910 Pimperor (an) a... Triple Fxp. 23-38 14-63x42 be SCOtCh..¢ 15'6" x2" 1910 Pimpire State... 6 Nelsco-Diesel-Twin Scr. 1929 Hmoress (an). a: Beam Cond, 20... ..-. 38x10 2 Water Tube... 13376 1907 Bocson Jom... Triple Exp. c30 2214-36-60x42 2 Septcd, 2. 14'6"'x11'6"" 1914 Hae. 6 BoP 16x12 1 Fire Box. 2)... 6'x9' 1930 PSsek fe oP 20-20x24 1 Scotch. 7. 12'6"xil' 1913 Pwie Hany Fo. Triple EXD 066s. 20-3314-55x40 Z Scotch <2... .0.. 12°1O"x13" 1902 Pawbdim: Si Wi. 6 6 driple Exp. 6 os 24-38-64x42 2 SCOL 14/67 x12" 1896 Paviess, Benjamin Fo. Geared Turbine........ 2 Wel 1942 Paumount (Cai)... 2 Triple G5). 65.2.7... 16-26 14-44x33 " Scotch. 1923 Par. Merion F..... . THple Exp. 6 2416-41-65x42 3 Scotch. = 42.05 136 xii" 1920 Pore james A... A Triple Exp. 3.662. 2 24-39-65x42 2 Scotch Rebuilt..... 16'x11'6" 1929 Perot. A. a { Geared Turbine........ 2 Wed oe. 1942 Peroie (4000 Trple Bx... 20-33-54x40 2 Scotch, (5.7 14'6"xtV" 1929 Fors, lame Ef drple Exp: 4.300... eS. 22 14-36-60x42 2 Scotch. 5.3 13'S" x12" 1910 eld, 4 0 (fan)... ariple Px, 16-27-44x33 2 Scour... 121! 1923 VO Ve fe Tipie HEP. 3 2. 22 14-37 %4-65x42 2 Water Tube..... 1935 eS ee Triple Pp. 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch. 5 11/6"x14'6" 1906 Pigsy te taple Exp. 8 2316-38-63x42 Z Scotch. 64502. 14'6"511'6" 1907 PAN a ee triple Pep, 6. 24-39-65x42 2 Scotch... 154° 116" 1906 mitmeeraig, Wo Triple Exp... 3. 22-35-58x40 Z SCOLGH 3482 130 x11". 1900 POUCA Sriple Pxp.. 2 1874-32 3-54 14x40 2 Scotch... 16'x1) 1918 Poe Benson 4 ee 4-cyl. 2-cycle Diesel..... 1924 Pore ti iienty.... ee 4-cyl. 2-cycle Diesel..... 1924 Pome Porn be a: Tople Exes oe. 2414-41-65x42 3 Scotch. (3... 2, 13'6"s11 1916 Tor Wilco (an). ee ariple EXp. = 44.2. |. 23-37 14-63x42 3 Scotch 2... 12'6" x12" 1900 Trance, Joon A. (Gg) aripie Exp 6 15-25-40x33 2 SCOICH. 2. 10'x10'10" 1929 ee Triple xp... 24 3-41-68x42 3 Water Tube_...... 163s h1'7"" (1924 Mraser, (en es Geared Turbine .. 2... 2 WT 1942 Prick, tC Triple Exo... 24-39-65x42 2 -B.& W 1937 252