ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS | y, VESSEL uilt Type | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type | Size bat Rey West (C80) 2... Amiple EXp. (45 2.5. . 15-25-42x30 Z SCOUCh . 2. 10'x10'6" 1909 Ring WL Triple Bxpia.. 2... 24-38-65x42 2 SCOUn 0. 16'x12°2" 1910 Wimedoc (Can jo aie Exp. 15-25-40x33 2 SCOLGH: 45.5504... 10'3"'*xi1" 1927 Reston (Can)... Mtipe EXD. 28-44-74x72 4 SCOlCH, (6: El'x1 V6" 1901 - peimiount (Can) se tiple Exp. io. 0. 1514-26-44x26 1 Scotch 025. 14'x10'9" 1923 Rinpey, AT.) i ee 'fipie Exp... 053.04 22 44-36-60x42 2 Scotch 72 .2..2.. 15°9"x11'6" 1908 Ring; John A. <6 atiple EXD. 6. fo 21-35-59x42 2 POCORN 11'x14'6" 1919 Mopmeier, Norman |... Triple Bap. 20 2... 5. 22 44-36-60x42 2 SECECh: 0. 13'9"<1 16" 1906 Wiles. Ef driple Exp. 3 2. eo... 25 76-40 735-6514 x42 3 Seotch= |. 13°67 x10 1925 Te Bele ee Ttiple Exp 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch: 61... 14'6"'x11'6" 1909 tase, Atiple Exp... 2 23-37-63x42 2 Scotch; 552 15x11" 1906 Ea Sane... 6 socyl. COMP... . 5... 4; 22-32-32x36 2 Scotch:... 22.4.7 14'x10'6" 1922 batkawaeha oe Taple tip 23-37-63x42 2 SCOtCh..« .557.. 44; 14'6""x12'6" 1945 bipenda «2 Aaaple Expl 6: 19-31-52x44 Z Scotch. 2. 12'6"317 1896 beeen: =. Tp EXD.,2005 26. 1814-3114-38-38x33 2 Yarrow Wily .. 33. 12'x12" 1946 Lamont, (homas W...2...0..5) Thple Exp. 35... 2414-41-65x42 3 SCOECh (2. 14'x12' 1930 tear (CAN) a: Jriple Exp) 2. 0 o... 16-2614-44x33 2 SCOECN: 4.5. 12'6"x10'6" 1923 Lonsdowne (Can) 2 ionz: Cond' 2... 2... 50x108 l Sceetch. 2). 5. .232 9/3"x14' 1885 Pacghlin, Pames Tipe Exp.) 23-37-63x42 2 Scotch 20. ae, 15x12' 1906 Dovaeoe (AN) tiple Exp: 0 15-25-40x33 2 Seotch: 212... 10'3"'xi1' 1928 oe eo Triple Wap... ee 15-25-40x33 2 Scotch. ..6 05.5... 103") 1929 Bee pe ee Tee Px. 5 23-37-63x42 2 > Water Tube: .. 2 : 1946 ee Triple Exp... 60 2.) 24-41-68x42 2 Water Tube... 1943 Ae a0) es. Triple Exp. 3 7 2514-4114-72x48 4 Scotch 135110" «|| i9ee deeie, Alesander (Can.). 2... 62 Aine xp, 22-35-58x40 2 Scot 13/2"x1 16" 1901 Pere an)... ee. ADI END. 18-30-50x36 2 Seoten. 6 28 13'3"x10'10" i928 Rana, RON ee Arple Exp... 2416-41-65x42 3 Sentech: iy 13'6"'xI]' 1923 Piviesten (Cal Jp Bxp.. 52, 17-28-46x36 2 ScOtCh. 2 4. bo. 126" xi I' 1928 Doe a re apie xp... 6. 24-39-65x42 2 Water Tube....... 16'x11'6" 1940 yon, oe ee ZComp 4 22-44x30 4 Scoteh 2 Ll 4's Pe 1907 Peeping James( 2... Triple Exp.... 22-35-58x40 2 Scotch 'OVS T 6! Bee apie EXD... 2. 23-38-64x42 2 Geoichy' ee 1901 Pieool, ane 8 a Digs 1926 Reena dt x Me ad, Px. 0 1814-2814-4314-66x42 2 Water Tube... LVG6"xi2'2" 1907 Pao ee. Triple EXps. 0 20-32 14-55x40 2 Seoteh. fs. 14x11' 1918 256