ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS Year VESSEL Built Type | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type Size Wicgesa W Go... a: Triple Pea. 6 22 14-36-61x42 2 SCOUCh: 4 2 xia 1909 McGonagle, Woe oe Wipe xp. 2414-40-65x42 3 SCOLGH ¢ 2534.54 13'6"x1)" 1916 MekKellar. Joon 0 (Can.).. 20. iia ate BR oo 15-25-40x33 Za Scotch. 3... 0... 10'x10/9" 1929 McKerchey, TO i Steeple Comp.......... 11-23x14 1 SOOLCN. 6 LV x1i'6" 1906 MeKinhey, Pite.. ee a Triple Exp... 2... 2. 22-35-58x40 2 Scotch 3. iG 13'9"31 16" 1908 McLauchian, Wa. ee Triple Ox6. se. 2414-41-65x42 3 Water. Tube... .... 1]'x10'8" 1927 WeWates, | Me (an) 2. Triple BxG., 2 - 15-25-40x33 2 Scocche . 20 13 51 1929 MoacNauebion, James... 3... ee Tnple 286.505 6 2414-40-65x42 3 SCOCCD 2d le, 13°'6"x11; 1922 MacPherson, Ni b.. fan.) 2.007 driple Exp. ¢ 22 bu. 17-2814-47x33 2 Scorn. 6. ae TT 10"Z10)10"" 2 4925 Witoupiey, (fl. 8 a Tple Exp. 663 5. 22-35-55x40 2 SOON 13°O' x12' 1908 es 2 Triple Hxo.. so. 8, 2014-34-56x36 4 SCOUCH bx 1467x122" 1927 Malietog ee Ouad Exp 3. .3.0 1534-2334-3614-56x40 2 Water Tube...:.... 12°67 x93 1927 Manitoba (Can). EGA. 30-64x48 2 Scotch. 6... 145116" 1914 Maniou (Can)... oe Ae 16-32x26 1 Pie 50x, oc. 15'x8'6" 1930 Manitoulin (Can)... 2a 2 Imple Exp... 8. 15-24-40x27 3 NAVY i. 7'x16' 1889 ManNOWOe. 2 8 a ee 4 Comp. Cond. :......; 6 Seoteh = 13'9' 11'S" 1926 Mantadce 40an.) oe Tpple Pp: 2. S. 22-35-58x42 Z Scotch =. 13/27 s116! 1903 Manuel Joho S. ea Tnple ico. 2203. 2314¢-36-60x42 2 Scoteh 139" x12° 1910 Waplebay (an)... a 2 iriple Exp... 2 0. 12-20-3114x16% 2 Seotch: 6.6.6. 9'S"x11'6"! 1920 Maplebranch (Can.)...2. 20050. 00 2 2 steeple Comp......... 20-40x36 Z Scoten = To xii 1891 Magigneat (an )ii Triple Expo 17-28-46x36 2 SeOUch: . 40a, 111x119" 1903 Mapleton (90). Triple xn, 3. ok 17-28-46x33 a SCOLCH 2. 121)' 1909 Marduete a a Triple xe ee 20-33 14-55x42 2 Scotch 7 139 x11" 1923 Marquette & Bessemer No. 1............... Tiiple Psp. 8 Se 17-27 14-46x36 1 Scotch 2. oe, 14'6"X 116" 1904 Maran a Triple Rep... 6) cece. 2314-37-6314x42 Z SCOR 5 12-6146" 1944 Massey © V2 (an)... ie Triple Bee 5. 15-25-40x33 2 SCOLCh 9.2 10'6"x10'10"" 1929 Matas a Quad. Rx es. 1534-2334-3614-56x40 2 Water Tube... .... 9'3""x12'6" 1927 Mather Sam 2 ee REID 60 2416-41-65x42 S Water Tube.....3. lo x10 82 1926 Mather WG ee ee (iad XG 8. 2114-31-4614-68x42 S Water Tube. .... 16'x1 17" 1925 Matiension (Can) 2 ATIC ERD 2002056. 2514-41-67x42 3 SCOtCh 2.5. 7. 130 4112 1922 Mati Bil. ee Triple Bep) 6. 20-3314-55x40 2 Scorch 22. 12/10"x13' 1901 WMaugaloa i Quad. Px 17-27-40-62x42 Zz Water fube....... 1926 Mead (700, Wo ee Teple Exp... 18-30-52x40 2 Septch. 43.3. 12'xI2' 1905 Meadcliffe Hall OO Tle Exp. 8 15-25-40x33 z SCOECN 5. 106 x1' 1929 Wiese = Triple EXD. ©... se, 1514-126-44x26 2 SCOICH =. 2 12'6"x10'10" 1925 Weal toseon (Can)... ge Diesel a, 1935 Mela Triple Eee... 23-38-63x40 2 SCOMN. 2 2. a 154 sit' 1916 257