ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ILERS L ENGINES | BO 7 Year Type | Cylinders and Stroke | No. | Type | Size Picket a ee. Triple Pxp...45 062. 19-31-54x42 2 Seoten. <i. es 1913 Hockiihe Hall (Can)... Triple Pep... 15-25-40x33 Z Scot 3... 106 xi 1926 Hock WwOOd es a. Triple Bxp. 2. 17-28-47x36 2 Scotch 26.0 i Lia' 1889 Hoe Canty Jolin 'Triple Ex®. 2c, 24%-41-65x42 2 SCOLCR 2 fois oe. 14'x11' 1927 Moen, Nariiis.. 2 es PS A ee... 12-36x17 1 Fire Box. 2... 11'x9° 1910 Bees OH TrpleHxp.. oe. 24-39-65x42 2 BG Wo. 1938 Roosevelt, Pet... 0 Tnple Bxp5.7 3.00. a ~ ""2'7-48-56x40 6 SCOECN= 6.4 20.0 126x116 1906 Hosemount (Can)... 2. 2 ee, Triple Hep... 17-28-46x33 2 Scotch. . 2.345003. 12'xi1' 1910 Hoyate (an)... ee, Triple BX... io. oe; 16-26-44x36 1 Scotch 6 .22..25. 5. 15x17 1915 Royvaton ©...) 3... dTnple Exp... 6230... 2414-4114-72x48 3 Seotch. ..2...7.0 5. 14'x10'9"" 1924 St. Lawrence (Can)... 3). a, 'Pbriple FED 3 oo, 22-36-40x36 6 Scotch... 2.6354 1327x177 1927 St Miane 2 2 & A: Comp... ... 28-52x42 6 Scoteh. ...5. 5.23 12) 1912 Sie Cine oo ee Triple Exp. 33 20 oo. 2014-32-50x36 Z Scott)... 42 132 x12 1910 Saginaw 26 'Triple Bx. es... 20-33-54x40 Z Scotch 2.2... 13'x1i' 1919 Secuenay (Can). 2 Vrple Pxp. 23... 1614-2514-2914x24 3 Scotey = 13/10) x12" 1911 SENCGrall. 4. 6 ee. Triple Exp...... 2.2.2... 20-33-54x42 2 Scotch. 2 14/6"xl)' 1918 Sang Mase. 2 6-cyl: Diesel... 2.2: So acen (040). 2 ee Triple Exp. 3307... 3: 15-25-40x33 2 Scotch: 02, 10'x10'9"' 1929 Saimouie (An) a. Triple xp... 16-26-44x36 1 Scotch 1S xtF' 1916 Bamnaoe (an) ee ee Triple xp... 23-37 14-63x42 2 Scot. 2... e 126 x12 1900 meat000 (AN). 6. a Vriple Exp. 6: 18-30-50x36 2 Seotch 13'xil' 1927 PN ee Wipe xD. 24-39-65x42 2 BCOUGH.. 6 15'x1 16" 1906 maces, Je. 06, Noo THple hp... 8 .. 23-38-63x42 2 Scoech 5 a: 14'6"'x1 16" 1908 Bier Win, 'Triple Exp. 603 24-39-65x42 2 Waer Tube... .... 1945 Bonewer, Cletis: Triple Msp... a 20-32 14-55x40 m. SCOtER | ek 15'xtV'o" 1906 eerie, Pal i ee PPIple 18D. ee 21-34-58x40 2 Seotch: se 1467x112" 1918 Schoelikons, Ir, JF... ; ea 'Feaplesexp.4 5 e. aae3e-0et4e = 2 State ee. IS xh o" 1907 Gceacnmaner, Col. J. Mo. Quad Exp... 2... 2234-33 14-48-69x42 2 Scotch: 2 1419x122" 1911 me ek Me 'Triple ERD. 6k 2414-41-65x42 3 Scorch... = 13'6'x1 1923 Beer 08eDN SS... i Triple Hap... .. 17-29-47x36 2 SCOUT. 1i"x12" 1891 eee, a De Ouad. Px... 70... 2014-30-43 14-63x42 2 Scotch. 2... 15/4x11" 1916 fee (ae Toole Pp. 18-30-50x36 a SCOLCH = ce 13'6"x11" 1926 od, JOSE ta 'Triple Hep... 2.6.2 22 16-36-60x42 2 Sceotcn. .<. 0... 13/9""x11'6" 1906 Oe) Bk. Turbine Generator...... 2 Scotch... 63. 15/9"xI1' 1930 ee, PW Toole ep. 2314-38-63x42 2 SCOtch 3.4 15/416" 1930 262