ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS Year VESSEL < : Built 'ype | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type | Size wrewait, James (Can). 'Triple Exp 0.0 232. 17-28-46x33 2 Scotch 12x41 prewatt, Robt W..... 45720022. Niple hap, 2314-38-63x42 2 SCOLCH « 15'4°51VGo" oR erewar, Wm. J. (Can): 06) 2 triple Psp... 1314-2014-34x24 2 Scotch... ee. 13'6"x1V 2" 1932 Sule, Wm. FP... oe, Triple Bp: 4 21-3414-57x42 2 SCotch. 13x16" 1908 ete, AMA Juple RxD =... cece ednan ' 2 | SCOU g 14'6"x12'6" 1938 Siraits Of Mackinac 2... TOPE. 2 16-2614-45x33 2 SCOtCh se, 1V10"%1 V2" 1928 mullivan Brothers... 8. Quad, Exp... 1514-2314-3614-56x40 2 Water Tube....... 12'x10' 1901 nde Dd dpe Exp oe. 2314-38-63x42 2 SCOtCh. 33 4 14'6"x11'6" 1907 oe AMR ee arine Exp. 29 22 20-33-54x40 2 Scotch 14'x12' 1902 og Ouad Bap... 6.5 17:26-39-00x40 = «2S. Water Tube... .. 3'6""x15! 1925 mpunetion (Can) acple Hxp a, 1714-2834-47x33 2 SCOECH 0. 126 x17 1931 Sipetest: (Can). Diese 3 1928 ae (Cam. ciple EXP. 4 16-27-44x33 Z DOOEN 10'6"x12'6" 1927 aula ee Jopletap. Bove so0oxt = = 8 0th 13'2""x1 6" 1902 vate TPO Exp. 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch | 650... 14'4""x12' 1905 Seeasse (Can 'Eripie Exp... 24-38-44-44x36 6 Scotch 116" PO SOC ETD 1914-30-52x40 2 Goth, i '3" 1900 Bee ee dtiple xp... 22-35-58x42 ma oeoten. -2 5. 130x116" 1907 ro a Oe Ate EXD. 2 ae. 20-33 14-55x40 2 Soot 146' x1" 1934 leu We TOPE ERED. 2. 2516-41-67x42 2 Water Tube-F-W .. 1946 any On Pita Triple Pap. 0s. 2416-40-65x42 2 Water Tube... 2. 136x153" 1929 Pitoe an OS apie xp. 2 15-25-40x33 2 Scotch... 6. 10'6"x11' 1929 pias PURE ATIplIG ERP 2416-40-65x42 a Scotch. 14'x12' 1930 a omipeon, Carma se Aviple exp... 2314-38-63x42 2 Scobh. 42 15/47°x1/ 1917 Seedy oe De ee ample xp. 24-38-65x42 2 Sovich 16x12 1907 oe Pe tad Exp. 27 1614-24-35-50x42 2 SCOUCH. £6. i 12/612" 1907 7 mee fe aioe eee Tniple BXp. 3 22 14-36-60x42 2 Scotch: 5 13/9 x12 1907 zon ee Triple Exp. 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch. 7 14'6"x11'6" 1909 lade Bo Tape Ex. oe 24-39-65x42 2 Water Tube .... 2. 1946 ase oe 2 Honz, Cond... 2 28x48 4 Fite BGx, 2... 12'x16' 1917 Seca a Triple Twin Screw...... 11-18-29x20 2 Water Tube....... 1920 oo ve Ope es XD, eee: 12-1914-31144xl6% 2 SOOUCR 5. OS x16" 1920 ee iese Torener 2 Dble. Hor. Cond oe 28x48 4 Fi 1880 a ole. Cond... .. re BOK. 6 50 9'4"x16' 1880 Reve: (Can) 2 imple bxp. sg. 12-20-3114-x16% 2 eorch 2 2 O8"x116" 1920 264