ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS Year VESSEL ; Built Type | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type Size Mies a. e BF. & A. Comp... 3. 20-40x28 2 Scotch ,.....2 4. 1V6"x10'6" 1923 Weed, preiton (am) oe. 'Priple Exp...) 0. es 17-28-46x33 Z ScOECR. 6.5.23 12'=1)' 1925 Werr, "David NM Triple Exp: oe es, 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch... 116x146" 1907 Wescoat, oS ee Ouad Exp... 2. 8: 19-27 44-40-58x42 2 Water Tube....... 1924 West Charies ©... 3 6 ec 2 lepre Hep... 1714-2814-48x36 3 Scotch. 3 440-. 135116" 1925 Western States... 2 Inclined Comp...:..:.. 52-72-72x84 6 SCOUCH ©. 6. 136x119" 1902 Westmount (Can) 264-2. ee, Trip EXD. 50.2. 2: 24-40-66x42 3 SCOtCh: 9.4 2 6, Iai) 1916 Wevbatmn (in) 2 i Tiiple P30..; 4225. 18-30-50x36 2 Stotch sk. 133 318 1927 Wise Peter. 3 riple EXD. 22200 2314-37-63x42 2 Scotch =... 14/3 312" 1941 Woe Wok. 2. Triple bx... 5. 25 14-41-67x42 2 fr W-W. ft... 1942 White Swan ee. Diesel 4Cyl. 1922 Widner,P A 2 itigle Exp. 4 ok 24-39-65x42 2 BSW... 1938 Wikinson, frank (an) 2.433 2... Liple Bap. 2... =... 15-25-40x33 2 SEOLCd 2 2 10'1'x10'10" 1929 Wiarinson FS... 8 (Ouad. Exp... 0 55.02.7. 2114-3014-43-61x42 3 SCOLCD 2. isi) 1917 Wiliams 2420. a Triple Exp... 4. 2414-41-65x42 3 SCOLEN 5. 13'S <1) 1917 Witams, Jonna Triple EXD... oe... 2314-38-63x42 2 SCOLED Go. 5. 14'6"x11'6" 1906 Miiowbay (64n.).4 65 ee ek 2 (ripe EXD... 2. 12-20-3114x16% 2 SCOUC. | a a. 16397" 1920 Wison Tnoinss a. Hoyt Comp... 225%-225%4-50-50x48 2 Water lube... .2.. 1943 Winoc (Can). a Tile Exo... 2... 21-33-57x42 2 Seoteh = =..2,....3 12'6'x1Z' 1904 sOt Neve & Comp... 2... 3-24-36-36x36 6 SeOten. 60 2 139x116" 1930 Meanmpes (Can). ee 'lrple Exp... 6 ee, 18-30-50x36 2 Septic: 55.5). 5e 3g, 13'6"'x1 1' 1926 Meo we. 8 ATIple EXO) 22 44-36-60x42 2 Sentech. <0. 13/9"xL 6" 1908 Wigvene: ee. 'tiple Exp... 23-41-66x42 2 Scotch. 2 se, I4'o"s1 16" 1908 MO, A ee... Ouad. xp... 666502 1814-2814-4314-66x42 2 Wat. Tube B. & W. 1938 Me, WeGeon i Triple Exp... gn 23 14-38-63x42 25 PPOICh ho ee. TAC" x10" 1910 Woods, Beank<: *6 662.05 i sere. TY ee 18x24 1 Fira Boe 66512' We AVipie PD... 18-31-50x36 2 SCORCH = ce 12xiVa" 1908 Wee at a atiple BX0.).-0 3 22 14-36-60x42 Z SCO). 46 139x116" 1909 OR A os oh ee Triple xp. 17-28-46x33 2 Scotch 4... 12x17 1911 TOO ae ee. Triple Exp... 18-29-48x40 2 Scot sw 11'6"x1 16" 1901 ogee 1 i a Ouad Fp 2 18-27-47-63x42 3 SCOtCCH 6. 11'6"x11'6" 1911 POCO. a a. Priple x. 2 2414-41-65x42 3 SCORN. 136 x11 1920 | eee, AGG eee eee Triple Bx). es 2414-40-65x42 3 Seotch. - . e. 13'6"'x11' 1917 266