STATUS OF LOCKS AND DAMS--CONTROLLING CLEARANCES--ILLINOIS WATERWAY Miles Bank. Veshic 1 oct te Controlling Clearances in Pools of Dams Name of Lock Above Size in in : mand - Mouth Feet Feet Horizontally Vertically (above high water ) Name and Mileage of Bridge Feet Place and Mile Feet Lock & Dam No. 26 Wabash Ry. (71.1)...2..2 5-5. 114 Aerial wire crossing (61.6)....| 41.2 (Mississippi River ) Meredosia Hwy. Br. (71.3)...| 47.3 La Grange... 5. 8: 80.2 R 110x600 (2) 10.0 C._B. & QO. R.R. (Rt. span) (88.8). 118 Aerial wire crossing (88.6)....| 45.7 Havana Hwy. Br. (119.6)... 474 Peoria © 2... iu. 117 L 110x600 (2) 11.0 TP. & WwW. RR. 1622)... 118 Aerial wire crossing at N.Y.C. R.Ro Bre (139) 40.9 Al. &S.F. Ry. Be. (81.9). .) 402 Starved Rock... .... 2310 R 110x600 18.5 C.B.8& 0: RR. (2304)... 2 167 oe 'aes Br. (mid 300') B59 2) eee 37.8 Marseilles... . 2, 244.6 L 110x600 24.2 El. & &. Ry. @706).. .. 2. 113.6 Morris Hwy. Br. (263.5)... ~. 34.9 Dresden Island...... 2115 L 110x600 21.8 Brandon Rd. (Bascule) (285.8)... 110 Smith's Hwy. Br. (278.0)... .| 45.6 Brandon Road: .. . 286.0 RR 110x600 34.0 Joliet @ bridees). 5 03). 150 E. J. & E. Ry. Br. (open) (2904)... 50.2 Lockport Lock: ..... 291.1 L 110x600 (3) Sanitary Canal.... C.M. & N. RR GI86). 7... 42 S-track KR. Br. (320.4)... .. me 4 Sap Channel... ... Control works footbridge (319.5).. 50 Alton R-K, Br, (403.9)....... ay Blue Island Control Works... 319.4 50x360 (5) PCC. & St Lo RR. (S207)... 2. 50 & 49.3! P.C.C_& St. Ll. RR. G27). ty (1) Lifts are at flat pool stages. " (4) These clearances are above ordinary water surface, as high-water stages in the Chicago Area are of a few hours' duration only. (5) Lift varies from nothing to about 2 feet, depending upon water surface of Lake Michigan. (2) Boats pass through dam at high stages when a 9-foot depth can be maintained with all wickets lowered. (3) Varies from about 24 to 42 ft., depending on water surface in the Sanitary Canal. 351