Monarch-- Mutual--(Pillsbury) GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Storage capacity 2,200,000. Marine loading spouts 1. Capacity per hour loading 20,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Insurance rate per $100.00 valuation 12c per annum. Maximum length of boat that can be loaded 480' keel. R. R. Conn.: Penna. & Buffalo Creek. Supt.--Roderick J. MacRae. Res. Phone Triangle 4679. Phone Wash. 3317. Located in Evans slip. Monarch Elevator Co., Buffalo Forwarding Corp. Phone CL. 3178. Marine elevating legs 1. Marine loading spouts 1. Capacity per hour unloading 10,000 bu. Storage capacity 500,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Maximum beam of boat 52 feet, 450 feet length. K. KR. Gonn.: N. Y. C, Supt.--E. E. Frauenheim, Jr. Res. Phone University 6034. Phone Wash. 1360. Location Erie Ship Canal. Pillsbury Flour Mills, Lafayette Bldg. Phone Wash. 8076. Marine elevating legs 3, operate 2 at a time. Marine loading spouts 1. Capacity per hour unloading 25,000 bu. with 2 legs. Storage capacity 2,700,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 23 feet. Can handle any length boat. Can load 50 cars in 10 hours. R. R. Conn.: Buffalo Creek. Saskatchewan Pool Terminal Elevator. Standard-- Supt.--James O. Burns. Res. Phone Parkside 5456. Phone TR-4640. Outer Harbor opposite South Entrance. Superior Grain Corp. Phone WA-3022. Marine Trust Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Thomas C. O'Brien, Mgr. Storage capacity 2,100,000 bu. Number of Marine Elevating Legs 2. Capacity per leg per hour 30,000 bu. Marine loading Spouts 3. Capacity per hour loading Spouts 35,000 bu. Car loading Spouts 4. Car loading capacity 45,000 bu. per hour. Number of cars can load in 10 hours 240. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Can handle any size vessel. R. R. Conn.: Lehigh Valley. Supt. Roy Zimmerman. Res. Phone Humbolt 2537. Phone Wash. 2134.--Main 2140 Standard Milling Co., Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Mgr.--John F. Gerard. Standard Elevator & Grain Div. Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling Div., 503 Seneca St. Storage capacity 5,000,000 bu. Marine unloading legs 2. Capacity per hour 20,000 bu. each. Marine loading spouts 1. Capacity marine loading spouts per hour 17,000 bu. Can load 200 cars in 10 hours. Depth of water at dock 24 feet. Can handle any length boat. 340