GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Rock Island "D"'-- Phone South Chicago 0135. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. . . Can handle any size boat. 93d St., West Side River. ae : R. R. Gonn.: C. St. P. M. & O; eee ae. eee ee ee Supt.--Matt Pelto. Res. Phone Melrose 4204-W. Marine loading spouts 4. . Great Northern "S" and Annexes-- Phone 3532. Be So ne oo eee eae Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., Roanoke Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. orage capacity 1,500, . Board of Trade Bldg., Duluth, Minn., Phone Melrose 314). Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Loeatioi: Superior Harbor Phowser ° OP Baton Y. C.--B. & O.--Penn Number Marine loading spouts 18. Supt.--Frank Crombie. Res. Phone Regent 0110. Shee ae ee seas bu. Marine elevating leg ie ; PEO ae : Capacity 15,000 bu. per hour. Farmers Union Elevator-- Phone Superior 3023 Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Located on St. Louis Bay (Towers Slip). Can handle any size boat. Operated by Farmers Union Grain Terminal Ass'n. R. R. Conn.: G. N., N. P., Soo, Omaha, Milw. D. W. D. & C. N. Board of Trade Bldg., Duluth, Minn., Phone Melrose 2030. Supt.--Norman Olson. Superior 7127. 1923 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn., Nestor 4871 Manager M. W. Thatcher. Itasca "Allouez"-- Phone 5058. Storage capacity 4,500,000 bushels. Cargill, Inc. Number of Marine loading spouts 5. Board of Trade Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Phone Melrose 372. Capacity of loading spouts, 3 scales, 60,000 bushels per hour. F. E. Lindahal, Mer. Number of Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour of elevating leg 20,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 24 feet--Channel 26 feet. Can handle any size boat. Capacity per hour 13,000 bu. Loading capacity to cars per 10 hours 50. oniben of cars can load in 10 hours 100. Days of ree storage 15. | : Supt.--Russell M. Johnson. Res Phone Hemlock 1742 (Duluth). Pua oe annoy S yk ee R. R. Conn: L. S. T. & T.--switching to all roads. Can load any size boat. rR. Conn.: C_ St. 2. M. & O. Globe-- ___Phone Broad 357. | Supt.--Wb. J. Arseneau. Res. Phone 2168. Superior Harbor. Globe Elevator Co., H. B. Stoker, Mgr., Board of Trade Bldg., Marine loading spouts 10. Capacity per hour of spouts 50,000 bu. Marine elevating legs 1. Duluth, Minn. Phone Melrose 540. Kellogg-- Phone Broad 476. Marine loading spouts 6. Located at Hughitt Slip, Howards Pocket. Capacity per hour of spouts 60,000 bu. Operator, Kellogg Grain & Elevator Division, Spencer Kellogg Marine elevating legs 1. & Sons. Capacity per hour 8,000 bu. Storage capacity 1,500,000 bu. Storage capacity 5,000,000 bu. Number of marine loading spouts 4. 359