GREAT LAKES TOWING CO. Toledo & Detroit Division AT TOLEDO TUGS: Wyoming, Idaho, Dunkirk, America, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Arkansas. AT DETROIT--William Schopp in charge. Tugs: Oregon, Florida, and Ashtabula. Vinewood--16260--Res. Vinewood 2-8506 LAKE AND HARBOR TOWING Tug Wyoming, Tug Louisiana, and America are equipped with Towing Machines for Lake Towing. Lighter Reliance--Full Wrecking Equipment Stationed at Detroit Steel Scow "Relief" at Toledo 160 x 41--Equipped with crawler crane, A frame and lifting engine capable of lifting 500 tons. Modern Slotted Wheel Scow--Derrick Equipped with Air and Electricity. 4 Large Floats--Available at all Hours. RALPH B. (DOC) MILLARD Division Manager of Toledo, Monroe, Detroit & St. Clair River Divisions Office--Pontiac 1585 Residence--Pontiac 2835 TOLEDO, OHIO Dock & Main Office 2050 Notre Dame Street, West MONTREAL, Quebec. Telephones Day-- Fitzroy 5259 Night--Dexter 3887 Atlantic 4356 St. Lawrence Dry Docks Limited MONTREAL, Quebec Dry Dock -- Full St. Lawrence Canal Size. Steel, wood and machinery repairs of all kinds. Harbor work a specialty. Self-propelled steam crane "Handy Boy" available for lighterage repairs afloat and fully equipped with compressors and welding machines.