LIST OF ADVERTISERS--Continued Page Page Roses Market ........ er 189 THREE RIVERS, QUEBEC St: Clair Welding Service :... 0.2. .e. 5 5 189 Desroberts & Fitt Ener. Regd. .0... 0)... 288 United Towine © Salvace Co, bid. ......... 22 70 TOLEDO, OHIO SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. Ameriean Shipbuilding Co. ...2....22..,...25 4 7 Kemp Bros. Coal Co. a. ee 241 Commercial Testine & Engineering Co. 22. ...72........... 88 Crisp Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. 07... .22504 Se ce. 521 Delta Shipbuilding Co. =.) 3.02 1 Pittsburgh Coav Go. 253 ee (4-75 Great Lakes Towing Co. ......,...54... 4.3. a 363 SCHENECTADY, N. Y. GREEN'S GRHAT LAKES DIRECTORY .2...2..2.......... Ts General Blectrie Co 7)... 2 ee 532 Hansen Welding Go., Hans .. 0.45. 0...,.-..4- 184 SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Norris Grain ©o, 3... .72. 6 484 Borden O16... 3 a ee 490 Superior Foods ...0 0.627.056 t 125 Excelsior Latindry 3 a 332 Valley Camp Stores Co. .......... cece eee ee ee eee eee eee 96 GREEN'S GREAT LAKES DIRECTORY . ..........1...... 13 Wileox Co., M1 036 524 Honold & baPace, ine ©... 4. 332 TORONTO, ONT. Koepsell Go, J: J. 6 332 Commercial Insurance Co...) 0.43. se, oe 188 Optenbure Iron Works =. -.0 42.0.0. 225 oe 302 Drew @ Co., Ltd, % B. .. 126 Prange Co., BO. 490 Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Go. (Canada), Lid. .........-.. 64-65 Reiss Coal ©e. © 2) > 6.45 79 Sevthes. & Go. bid. -..2.. 3. 228 SOREL, QUEBEC Valley Camp Coal Co. 0... .:2.5-%. 2.,-0.s. .., oe. 4-5, 25, 96 Weaver Cost Co tid. Fo Po... 2 480 Weaver Coal ©o:, Lid. EF. Poo... 494 STURGEON BAY, WIS. McMillan, Bineh, Wilkison @ Berry .2.............2. .2 3) =. 214 Sinith Shipbuilding' Co., Leathem D. ..-2... 05.24. 632 e. 16-17 TULSA, OKLA. SUPERIOR, WIS. Dowell Incorporated ...0. 5.2.5... 494 Alloueze Marine Supply Co. 6.) 325 5 os es sk 376 WALLACEBURG, ONT. Bensae Bleetrie Co. 652 278 Wallaceburg Chamber of Commerce ............-+....-.-+:- 51 Botissumes Ine ae 273 WINDSOR, ONT. Meowied el Ue, i 27 Appel Bros., Ltd. 2... 6 ees tke te eee te eee eens 181 GREEN'S GREAT LAKES DIRECTORY «2.2... 2. 13 GREEN'S GREAT LAKES DIRECTORY ..../.....2.. i... 13 Hawiiis Gaundey" 8 ee. 273 Romeo Machine Shop: ... 62... a 181 Kuudeen Bros. Shipbuildiie Co. ........2. 2 ee 481 Waueh, C.F, oo. a 181 Northern tnemecrine Co... 0... 6s ee ee 481, 524 WINNIPEG, MAN. Prttsbuveh Coat Co... oa. 8s aes 74-75 RBoland«& Cormelus ...0 2.63 ee a 59 Reiss Coal Co. 0. a 12 Commercial Insurance Co;:..0 22... 188 Superior Won Works CO. oi g 5 6a i 515 Marsh & MeLennan........50.5.5- 3-4 a IZ THOROLD, ONT. Meisner, Ralph SS; ¢ 22. 2.50 826 ee Inside Rear Cover Spun Rock Wools, Lid. ..2 3.0 a a ee ee 124 Osborn © Lance Inc. 2... ... ee 2 Weaver Coal Co. lid. 2s es... ee 494 Winnipes: Charterers, Lid... ., 0.5. a ee 504 5Sl