TABLE III--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE MICHIGAN Other tables to which 37 30. 35 | 34-33 32 | 38h. 30 29 28 27-26 | 25 24 23 22° 21 20 19 18. 17 16° 15 14 1312 11 {10 9 § 26 5 4 3... 2 initial point No. 1 is common: : a II--Lake Superior. | o . 2 Si _ and 6 & 2 g g 2 2 & & Z > . t. Marys River. 3 iS 3 ° > oO Ce o '4 2 OQ 2 Volks Eis, & SS 5 S15 gol e 8 Bla g & sels 3 Hem, 8+ 6s ESS ©) eee @ = Cr, Derat and Ge 3 S18 BS Sle #2 SG 2 oe =e oe 8 An. 2 eee |S Be le Gee ae pa @ = Niagara Rivers. es 215 ¢ 21S 22.83 2 Ss Sees Pee et eee eee ea ee eG VEtake Oomtot £ f£ CGiIF ER SB elIE Sei pe 2 22a fe oO FM & See 2 eae ee GS St. Lawrence River. 1 aOld Mackinac Point (II-IV-¥V-V]I) ........ | 41 55 56] 97 122 142 | 150 173 184 | 213 224 238 | 257 263 281 | 300 325 336 | 334 333 324 | 296 282 272 | 259 237 212 | 191 187 170 | 161 155 198 |.155 129 7 2| Manistique....:....... 48 76 64) 94 91110 | 118 141 152 | 182 193 207 | 225 232 250 | 268 294 303 | 301 298 290 | 260 244 235 | 220 195 168 | 146 142 120 | 111 103 1385 | 92 66.. S| Escanaba =, .. 27. 99 118 99 | 120 91 106 | 112 230 141 | 170 181 195 | 213 220 238 | 255 280 288 | 286 283 274 | 242 226 217 | 201 176 149 | 127 122 100; 90 69101); 55... ... 4 bMenominee............ *122 *134 *119 |*138 80 86} 87 98 108 | 135 146 159 | 177 183 200 | 216 239 246 | 243 240 230 | 198 184 172 | 155 130 108 | 81 75 52] 43 22 491 ......... 5 bGreen Bay (city)...... *165 176 160 | 178 105 111 | 112 123 134 | 159 171 184 | 202 209 225 | 242 264 272 | 268 265 255 | 223 209 197 | 180 155 128 | 106 101 781.68 47 ...|......... 6 Sturgeon Bay (towm).... 123 129 113 | 131 58 64] 65 76 87 | 113 124 137 | 155 162 178 | 195 217 225 | 222 218 208 | 176 162 150 E33 103° 3). 5G Oh 30 2k... ee aes ww ee W Algoma... 131 135° 119 | 136 59 60°) 59 66 -75:| 100 111 128 | 142 148 163} 179 200 206 | 203 200 190 | 158.142 192 | 115 89 62°40 36 121.2... 2). S|) Kewaunee... ........:. 138 143 126 | 143 62 60) 58 61 70] 93 104 116 | 135 141 156 | 171 192 197 | 194 191 181 |. 149 133 123 | 105 79 53 Bl 26-8 | Oo} Two Rivers,... 2.20. 156: 159 1421 160 75. 67:| 62 57 61 78 89 101 | 118 123 137 | 151 170 174 | 171 168 158 | 125 109 100 | 82 55 29 OF ee 10 | Manitowoe..........-. 161 163° 147 | 164 79 71 66 60 64} 79 90 102 | 118 123 137 | 150 169 173 | 169 166 156 | 123 107 97 19.253 26 Poe le ee Mt Sheboygan... 1... 3... 180 181 165 | 182 95 83 76 60 63 68 78 87 | 102 106 118 | 130 146 149 | 146 143 132 |. 99 83 74 00. 29.) | 12. Port Washington....... 206 205 189 | 206 119 104 | 98 80 76) 72 77 84] 94 97 105 | 112 124 125 | 121 118 107 74 58 48 20 ee. 13; Milwaukee............ 228 227 211 | 298 140 125 | 11 97 81.) 78 80 83.) 88 89 93:1 96 104 103 | 99 96 85 | 51 35°26)... 22 fo 8 ef Races. oP | 242 241 225 | 242 153 1387 | 129 108 100 | 81 80 80] 79 80 80}| 78 84 88 18 15204 1-30 14 le Ho. Kenosha ©. 52 252 251 234 | 252 163 147 | 138 117 1084 86 87 86] 82 82 79 io 10 13 67 64 54 WS £0) Waukegan. -.:.. 2.5... 266 265 249 | 266 177 160 | 152 130 122 | 100 96 93 86 84 78 70 OG) 38 6520340 38 oe. he a a ae ee ee). i Chicago. 2 . 294 293 276 | 293 204 186 | 179 156 146 | 120 114 108 | 95 90 77 60 38 25 IQ Ao ee 18 | South Chicago......... 302 301 285 | 302 213 196 | 188 165 154 | 127 120 114 | 100 95 79 | 60 33 14 ee 19 Indiana Harbor........ 304 303 287 | 304 215 198 | 189 167 156 | 129 122 115 | 99 95 79 09 31 13 DiGay 2 |. 309 308 292 | 309 216 199 | 191 167 157 | 129 121 114} 99 93 77 | 55 22 21 Michigan City......... 295 294 278 | 295 206 189 | 181 157 146 | 117 108 99 | 82 75 57| 36... ... EXPLANATION. 22 St. Joseph... 56.2... 269 268 251 | 268 179 162 | 154 130 119 88 78 69 | 50°44 24) 3 : : : : 23 South Haven.......... | 251 250 233 | 250 161144 | 126 111 101 | 69 58 49 }°20-22...1 5 8. Explanation generally applicable to all tables is published in Table I. 24 Saugatuck............. 30 231 2i5 | 232 149 190 | 1is 02 88 | bk 4 ek Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence proceeding southward along the west shore and returning northward along the east shore. S Glen... 207 226 210 | 227 tay es For determining distances to points in other lakes, distances from all 26 Grand Haven.......... 206 205-189 206 117 100) |. 92 (6:5 25 18. 2 eo places listed in this table are given to Old Mackinac Point, and this initial di | Muskegon............. (105° 194 1781 on 106 60 80 Gb 4 ie point also appears in each of the other tables respectively indicated by nu- meral designation. The through distance from a given point in this table to a 28 | White Lake ........... ist (84 167 1168 0G TS 66 i given point in any other table is the sum of the respective distances to each 29 Pentwater............. Loe 1 eo i tk given point from Old Mackinac Point, common to the two tables. Thus, a 30 | Ludington.............| eS through distance from a Lake Michigan point to a point in Lake Superior (table II) would be derived as follows: : oe oe 118 107 (100 | 118 28 105) ee : ortage Lake..........| 10 40 e110 ee ea Old Mackinac Foint to Racine .. .<.. .. <9. .5 4... su... 272 fo) Pranktort. 53. ..22 23. 93 92° 75 Oo ere a ee Old Mackinac Point, to' Ashland:3 1) .\37...5722:.05..5... 439 34 Traverse City..<....... Oo 6 6 8 Racine to Ashland........... 35 Charlevoix............ ee ae = pa m0 Petoskey... 5.52655, Bh ee ee er ee | 37 | Beaver Island Harbor... b Distances from Menominee and Green Bay to Lake Michigan points (except those marked *) are via Sturgeon Bay Canal. p@ 238 a From sailing course point north of light. * Via Rock Island Passage.