Candler and Bass, Inc. MARINE CONTRACTORS PHONE: VINEWOOD 2-3384 8145 MEDINA STREET DETROIT 17, MICH. Office Phones Daly 6910 and 6911 Residence Phone Orchard 3970 Launch Delivery GEORGE B. DALY MARINE MARKET MEATS--GROCERIES 502 South Second St. MILWAUKEE, WIS. PEABODY COAL COMPANY 231 South La Salle Street CHICAGO 4 Miners and Shippers of the famous GREAT HEART Mined exclusively in the high grade Eastern Kentucky District; shipped only from Kenvir, Ky. --SALES OFFICES-- Chicago New York St. Louis Omaha Cincinnati Springfield Minneapolis ESTABLISHED 1903 LEICHT'S (Leicht Transfer and Storage Co. ) 123 So. Broadway, Green Bay, Wis. Marine Warehouses Private Dock Stevedoring Served by all Railroads Material Handling 50 Car Track Capacity Distribution All Types Hauling Member: : Inter-Lake Terminals Inc. American Warehousemen's Assoc. 271 Madison Ave. Mayflower Warehousemen's Assoc. New York 16, N. Y. Wisconsin Warehousemen's Assoc. 313