WILSON'S FOOD MARKET 96 W. Oneida St. Oswego, N. Y. PHONE 1492 for Instant Service ALL FOODS, MEATS, AND BEVERAGE NEEDS DAY SERVICE NIGHT SERVICE POntiac 4482 POntiac 2477 TOLEDO MARINE SERVICE CO. | MARINE MARKET Operated by Bus Hamilton & Son Groceries - Meats - Poultry - Vegetables - Fruits - Fish Truck and Launch Freight Hauling Galley Coal - Mattresses - Kitchen Utensils 1646 N. ERIE STREET TOLEDO 11, OHIO SPUN ROCK WOOL has been adopted as a standard thermal insulation on many cargo ships, and Canadian naval vessels of all types. In flexible blanket form for boiler lagging; with surface to receive plaster, or for a sheet metal casing. In bulk for cold storage rooms, and against hot or cold deck plates of crews' quarters the year round. The most highly efficient and durable insulation made. Will save fuel on every trip. Long and resilient fibres; will not pack down or disintegrate under vibration. Light in weight; fire- proof; vermin-proof and non-corrosive. For information regarding special applications, nearest contractor, prices, etc., write SPUN ROCK WOOLS LIMITED THOROLD, ONTARIO On the Welland Ship Canal.