WAR DEPARTMENT CORPS OF ENGINEERS OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER DETROIT DISTRICT 609 FEDERAL BUILDING, DETROIT 31, MICHIGAN STATISTICAL REPORT OF LAKE COMMERCE Passing Through CANALS at SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN and ONTARIO for the Season of 1946 EAST BOUND Items U.S. Canal Can. Canal Total Vessel passares. 5: Number 2. 7,496 1,483 8,979 Registered tonnage....... Net 32011, 024 1,276,885 33,787,909 Passengers). 5 Number 6,113 37,890 44,003 Hreieht. Short Tons 71,514,918 1,303,658 72,818,576 Wood Products: Mer fa Ce So ee ee ee ee ee SHIneleS ee es ee Pulpwooe 2 a 599,128 165,766 764,894 Vegetable Products: Bigur, 2 ee, 3,882 66,524 70,406 Wheat 6 ee 6,956,588 402,253 7,358,841 Grain, other than wheat........ 1,719,475 435,378 2,154,853 Mineral Products: Copper, lake: a Gopper, clectrolyiic: in) ee ae ee PANG Oo ee Fron ore 62.031 47055 ee. 62,031,470 BCrap iron Co 80,699 3,360 84,059 MEt d tron & Steel 2 st 94,575 12,403 106,978 POLONG 6 12,270 12,270 General Merchandise............. 29,101 205,704 234,805 WEST BOUND Items U.S. Canal Can. Canal Total Vessel passages....:..... 0. Number 7,274 1,742 9,016 Repciced tonnage, 2.0.2. Net 30,836,722 2,965,747 33,802,499 Passenrers.2 oi. Number 28,624 15,244 43,868 Hreight 2 925.26. Short Tons 18,285,649 635,271 18,920,920 Mineral Products: Coal sott.) 3. .5.5..-3. ees 15,281,627 135,206 15,416,833 Coal hard= 23° 8. 53b,2335 8,535 539,768 ITONn OLE. ee TO; 2805 0 ae. 159,286 Mid Iron & Steck... ee. D2, (39 9,104 61,843 Salt ee 55,389 11,474 66,863 tStone.. 602 Oe ae IE a 1,039,003 8,009 1,047,012 Petroleum Products: 3.5; 1,009,200 159,458 1,168,658 Wood Products: Pulpwood 2. ee Ll ee General Merchandise. .......... <2. 143,344 300,226 443,570 Automobiles (00) = 2 13,828 3,259 17,087 SUMMARY : Vessel passages.......... Number 14,770 3,229 17,995 Registered tonnage....... Net 63,347,746 4,242 662 67,590,408 PAaSSeNn Gers: =. Number S4-73C 53,134 87,871 Hreight = 802) eee s: Short Tons 89,800,567 1,938,929 91,739,496 * Includes broken stone, gravel and sand. Notes:--Preliminary report subject to revision. In reprinting, please credit source. : A. RIANI Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer Do2