PRINCIPAL WATERWAYS AND LOCKS TRIBUTARY TO THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Length Lift No. Size and Available Length Lift No. Size and Available in in of Dimensions In In of Dimensions NAME LOCATION Miles Feet Locks Length Width Depth NAME LOCATION Miles Feet Locks Length Width Depth ue , ' , 270' 3-14' Thy = ce - " Lachine--to Montreal........ 8% 45" 5 25' 4552-18" Troy to Pittsford............ 258 25' 1 300' 45' 12' Port Colborne to Montreal ... 368 533" 28 as ae oes 328' Troy to Rochester. ......... 259 25° 1 300' 45' 12' OTTAWA AND RIDEAU RIVERS 323' St. Anne's Lock--St. Law- Troy to Lockport..... 32 322 2414' 2 -- 45° 12 rence and Ottawa Rivers. . .1/10 2 1 200' 45' 9' Troy to Tonawanda.......... 342 564' a0 300' © 45' LZ Carillon--Carillon Rapids... . % 59' 2 200' 45' 9' New York to Buffalo......... 507 Ae oe os. o oe Grenville--Long Sault Drop Rapids, 506 534 = 164' 5 200' 45' 9' 292' 134' , Rideau--Ottawa to Kingston 126 165' 47 ne oo 5. 1 , CREEN eC : Rideau Lake to Perth........ 7 26' 2 110 33' 5! State of Wisconsin RICHELIEU CANAL Green Bay to Lake 144' Quebec Winnebago... 2... =... 3. 163 167' 17 136'4" 3D. 6' St. Ours: 3. lg 5 i} 200' 45' te Winnebago to Portage and 145' 125: Prairie Du Chien... ....-:- 118 37! 9 1377 34'3" 6' Chambly 12 74' 9 118' 22:5 6'5" LAKE ONTARIO TO GEORGIAN BAY Murray to Bay of Quinte..... 5 oe a ge ee 12' LAKE Eee To Go 18 175! 33" 8/4" Ontario, Canada and Quebec Peterboro.. 8. 114 Ses 23 134 33! 6! Welland 9: Cele ii es Sturgeon Lake. 227. 30 Lao L 141' sou 6! Pt. Weller. 2 Bocas oases as 25 326' E 800' 80' 30' SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. AND ONTARIO Galops--Cardinal to Iroquois 1 peu 50' 14' St. Marys Rapids Galops--Cardinal to Iroquois 1 255' 45' 14' MeArthit Lock... . 2... .5 0 a. 17 to 21 1 poe 80' or Galops--Cardinal to Iroquois 7% 1514' 1 255' 45' 14' Poe Bock: 3 8 ee 1 773" 100' 18' 270-285 1350" oe Rapide Plat--to Morrisburg.. 3% 114% 2 255' 45! 14' Davis Lock..........-....., 1 ele 80 24°6 Farrans Point--to Morrisburg 14% 4'2" 1 800° 50' 16' Sabin Lock............-... : ee best ay Dickinsons Landing to 270' Canadian Lock: 2). se. 1 860' 60' 18' Cornwall. 3. 2 1) 48 6 255 45 14 STURGEON BAY SHIP CANAL os ; , West Shore of Lake Michigan, oe oe 14 84' 4 3S 45 15' Connects with Green Bay, ee ae Depth of water 19 teet....... 51% 335 elie ie