is REAL SERVICE -- Strategically Located, Too! COAL Inspection, Sampling and Analysis A Pp Vessel Fuel Inspection 4 R LO LOI DETROIT O | : CONNEAUT * ASHTABULA * CHICAGO FAIRPORT vas TOLEDO XY = . . wipe «= CLEVELAND | ' oY? 20 5 ' ey . . "© entatives located at th ints Services Available at All Loading Docks--Dayand Night ,taboratories tS Our Services Were Applied To Over 29,000,000 Tons During The 1946 Navigation Season. COMMERCIAL TESTING & ENGINEERING COMPANY CHICAGO 1, ILLINOIS Lake Service Headquarters CHARLESTON 23, WEST VA. 1118 MADISON AVENUE, TOLEDO 2, OHIO CLEVELAND 15, OHIO DETROIT 26, MICH. Toledo Telephones: Main 7161 Affiliated: COMMERCIAL TESTING CO., INC., Night: Taylor 2778, 7258 Rochester, N. Y. 32