NATIONAL TERMINALS CORPORATION Operating a group of modern, up-to-date docks and terminals, located at strategic points on the Great Lakes as follows: CLEVELAND DISTRICT National Terminals Dock Cuyahoga River and Main St. Cherry 4299 CHICAGO DISTRICT North Pier Terminal Co. 589 E. Illinois St. Superior 5606 North Pier River Barge Terminal 27th and Western Ave. Canal 5090 MILWAUKEE DISTRICT National Terminals Corp. 924 So. Water St. Mitchell 5645 Railroad Sidings B. & O. C.& NW. Illinois Northern C.& N. W. The newest and most mode:n Terminals in the Cleveland Dis- trict. No tugs necessary. Equipment consists of Gantry Cranes and other mechanical gear. Warehouse accommodations for storing of package merchandise from or to vessels. Facilities also for handling bulk commodities, either with Clamshell or Magnet. The facilities mentioned are the largest and most modern in the Chicago District. All Terminals are located convenient for vessels, and equipment consists of Cranes, Conveyors and other mechanical shore devices for the prompt and efficient handling of any type of cargo (Package or Cargo). Interchange of com- modities is direct from Vessel or River Barges to Docks, Ware- house, Cars or Trucks. Located at the entrance to the Inner Harbor. A new modern facility, splendidly equipped to handle package merchandise and automobiles. Ample Warehouse accommodations for storage of dry merchandise. All docks are served by Rail Lines. Personnel, Stevedoring services are all performed by our own men. Service has been built up and based on careful selection of supervisors and skilled labor trained in the careful handling of commodities and experienced by years of actual handling of vessels and commodities of all types. Bulk, General Cargo and Package Freight handled with speed and efficiency. Warehouses and storage accommodations furnished both on the Waterfront and at Inland Points. B4