COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 50,000 tons, stone 10,000 tons. Can handle any size boat. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Length of dock 1,000 feet. Supt.--Pierce McLouth. Res. Phone 2-1841. Superior Concrete Co.-- Dock located Foot So. Belle River Ave. on Lake St. Clair. Purchasing Agent--G. D. Stomler. Depend on self-unloading boats. Storage capacity 10,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any size boat. MARINETTE, WIS. Ansul Chemical Co.-- Phone 218. Located on the Menominee River. Office: Foot of Stanton St. Mgr.--H. V. Higley. Purchasing Agent--L. D. Clifford. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 3,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 332 feet. RE. Conn;: ©. M. St. F. & 7. C. & N. W. Supt.--A. C. Pope. Res. Phone 537. Diamond Coal & Dock Co.-- Phone 1644. Location: Foot of Ogden Street. John E. Compton, Mer. Use self-unloading boats entirely. Storage capacity 100,000 tons. Can handle boats up to 500 feet. Length of dock 1,400 feet, slip 850 feet, width 90 feet. Supt.--E. H. Bangeman. Marinette Fuel & Dock Co.-- East of Ogden St. Bridge. Phone 446. Northland Fuels, Inc.-- Marquette Dock Co.-- Operator: H. S. Campbell, 1710 Main St. Phone 104. Purchasing Agent--H. S. Campbell. Use self-unloading boats only. 1 Locomotive Crane. 50 foot boom. 1% ton buckets used. Storage capacity 30,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle 700 foot boat. R. &. Conn.: St. Paul, C. & N. W. Phone 114-115. Location: Above Ogden St. Bridge, Menominee River. J. V. Tate, Pres. and Manager. L. Larson, Purchasing Agent. Use self-unloading boats also bulk freighters. 1 Manitowoc Diesel Speed Crane, 70 foot boom. Size of clam shell used 3% ton. 1 Northwest gas crane, 40 foot boom. Size of bucket used 1% ton. 1 Electric power driven screening plant, equipped with motors and all sized screens. Storage capacity 200,000 tons. Length of dock 1,000 feet. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Dock equipped to handle both self-unloaders and bulk carrier boats. R. RB. Conn: G. & N. W., C. MW. St. . & F. MARQUETTE, MICH. Phone 233. 110 North Front St. Joint Management F. B. Spear & Sons and James Pickands & Co., Ltd., is unloaded and stored on this dock. Phone 90. Foot of Washington St. 1 Mead-Morrison Bridge. 6 ton clam shell used. 4 ton cleanup clam used. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 424