COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Sturgeon Bay Co. (Quarry Dock)-- Located at entrance to Green Bay. Operated by The Sturgeon Bay Co. C. G. Knoblock, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. 308 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 1 shuttle belt conveyor. Loading capacity per hour 2,500 tons. Loading capacity per hour 400 tons rip rap stone. Storage capacity 75,000 tons crushed stone, 40,000 tons rip rap stone. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Open storage with belt tunnel discharge. Maximum length of boat 650 feet and 60-foot beam. Length of dock 1,000 feet. Supt.--Elmer Albert. Res. Phone 874-F2. SUPERIOR, WIS. Berwind Fuel Co. (Dock No. 1)-- Foot of Missouri Ave. 4 Link Belt Co. rigs. Size of clam shells 4 tons. Capacity per 10 hours 11,000 tons. Storage capacity 700,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle boats of any length. RR. Conn: G. N. & L: &. TV. & 1. Ry. Carnegie Dock & Fuel Co.-- Phone Broad. 3699. ; Location: St. Louis Bay. W. H. Godwin, Pres. J. F. Donahoe, V. Pres. & Mgr. 1016 Roanoke Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 2 Heyl & Patterson with 65-foot booms. 7 ton clam shells used. Capacity per 10 hours 6,000 tons. Storage capacity 500,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Length of dock 2,600 feet. Maximum length of boat 700 feet. R. RB. Conn.: G. N. Omaha, N. P., Soo, D. 8.8. & A. Supt.--Mark Gromley. Res. Phone Dial 5104. Purchasing Agent--J. McNamara, Superior. Cutler-Laliberte-McDougall Corp.--Lime Dock No. 3. Located: Foot of Winter Street. Henry LaLiberte, Pres. Phone Mel. 1418. Office: Fidelity Bldg., Duluth. 1 Hyl & Peterson movable bridge. Size of clam shell used 12 ton--cleanup 8 ton. Capacity per 10 hours 4,500 tons. Bridge 721 feet. 551 feet between legs. Storage capacity 400,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 25 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 1,000 feet. Slip 150 feet. R. R. Conn.: G. N., N. P., Omaha', Soo, D. §. 5S. & A., St. Paul, D. M&F. RB. Supt.--cC. R. Ridgewell. Res. Phone Lake 731. Ass't. Supt.--Lloyd Haugen. Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co.-- Phone 944, St. Louis Bay. 2102 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Megr.--F. O. Selseth. 2 Mead-Morrison. 10-ton clam shell used, for cleanup 6 tons. Capacity per 10 hours soft coal 10,000 tons. Can handle boats of any length or beam. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Storage capacity 800,000 tons Bitu. R. KR. Conn.: G. Ni, Omaha, N, P., Soo, D. S&S. S. & A., Milw., D, M4. EE: Supt.--H. W. Kellar. Res. Phone Hemlock 4360-J. Hallett & Carey Dock Co. Phone 4972 Foot of North 5th St. Operator Hallet & Carey Co. Office: 501 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Melrose 1856, Duluth, Minn. Megr.--A. G. Ryan, Melrose 4174. 3 Mead-Morrison Unloading Towers. Size of clam shells used 2 tons. Capacity per 10 hours 75 tons. Grain screening's per, ma- chine total 225 tons. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ENGINES AND BOILERS 465