LIST OF ADVERTISERS--Continued Page Prance (6, Hh. G. ...s 126 Heiss Coal Co. ( ..2). 8. ee. 67 HAMILTON, ONTARIO Weaver Goal Uo. tid, FP. (i. 233 HUNTINGTON, W. VA. sland Creek Uoal-Sales G0. 2... 2 31 HURON, OHIO (ieveland steveuere U0. . 6... 6 ee, 72-73 Bramord OF CO. 8 a es ee 33 INDIANA HARBOR, IND. Calumet Marine Sapply, ine... gs 24 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Dean Bros, Pumps, Ine... oe i 35 JOHNSTOWN, PA. sonnstewn Coal &@ Coke Ce... 2.2.6. ie 505 KINGSTON, ONTARIO Sieennes-McNauchton Line, lid. ....... 7... 64 LACHINE, QUEBEC Marine Grote... a i LORAIN, OHIO American Shipouildme Co; 2... ee ae 5 Crea, Lakes Towite (0. ..05622.. 3 376 erain (Coal @ Dock Co. 2... a ek, 86 Torain County Radi Oorp. 3) 6 eo a a 11 Miche, © ON, | ee eo 235 MILWAUKEE, WIS. Pomerran tevedores C0. . i es ns oc a a 9 Beara oF marvor Commissioners... . ie. 44-45 iat s tayine (0. ee 6 Daly Georse Be ae a 313 Day, Oo Se 89 Wien C6) 8 sa ee. 310 Corieck Pactius Co 184 (Green = Uiredt bakes Directory §..2. 4s ee ee 13 IGT hiee ere' COTO, 6 a a a. 378 International tsoneshoremens Assoc. ..........0...-510..; 89 J0ys rctbers 00. ee ee 229 Mertes-Miller, Inc... .0 003 3 ove Milwaukee Harbor Vowing Co. ................,4622 .2 National Terminals Corp. Saefke Marine Corp. Vance @ Joys Co... 3.3... ioe MONROE, MICH. Monroe Harbor TeOPminal 6.66460 MONTREAL, QUEBEC Dominion Wire Rope & Cable Co., Ltd. eee ee Drew & Co., Lid; & F. 6-0... Green's Great. Lakes Directory ...<.....00.,...0 3.25, International: Pamts (Canada Lid.) 2...) .... 7052 sgonnson, Jr; Lid. Wm H. i22).. .2.0 2 2 Marsh & Mebennan'.22...:.22...5...75..)....0.: 2. Osborn-Lbange, Int... ....2052..5....... 3 Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co,, Lid. ................. 2. Salvage Disposal Corp., ltd. 2 *: ..2 250.20. scythes « ©o,, Lid... 6... .4055.007 Sincennes-McNaughton bing, itd. 2... Townsend & Co., Ltd. Walsh, ltd. W.Po) 2. Weaver Coal Co., Ltd., F. P. Weir, Ltd., J. & R. OOS O02 O05 OOOO OO FO: OO OO. CO OOO OOOO Oe 0:6. Gc 8 OOOO 0. O06: OOO 10 OB OO 0: 6 6. 00) 6 60,0 OO, OOH OO) 0150, « OS OOOO OOO EO ORE OO OO OU ONO. 0.0 0. 6. OOF O OOS SCR eee Oe Boland & Cornelius, |.....0...55,.5).015.-5. 2 7 Inland Survey Bureau ......2...2....4.....5.0,, 2. island Creek Coal Sales Co. 2.5.0... 0.25.0 os Knight Products MeNab, Ineerp, ....3-.5. 8. 060 Marsh & MeLennan ..........4....05..5.... 2 Osborn © Uange, Ine. ...... ..20.. 52 Post & Co., Inc., E. L. Sharp, George G. OD O750: 0.0: OO ON, OY OO O06 O00 0 0.6. 0 6 @ 5 OO 6. 80) 0. 6 8 Rw ee ee Olle. SOOO OOO. CO OCS OO OC Cr GOR CAC: O26 Oe le 8 6 Ve ee Tee. ee ie OSWEGO, N. Y. Green's Great Lakes Directory .....2..255,.., 2. Oswego. Harbor & Dock Commission ..................2 240