Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Green's Great Lakes Directory, 1947, p. 82

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N.D. iy \ PULULTH Ay ae é SD. : 9 ST. PAUL ! | MINNEAPOLIS WIS. ! Bay 5 t 6 fy | p p (hUOINGTON | ~~ ms 1{ MICH. ee "ke, a c 1 o. i asd é Sy = : \ NEB. \ \ \ % \ \ \ IND. \ Se \ on' KAN. ee, Se KY. Soe Oe ho ae 2 We oS CN At ecaty z KmexVILLeE 5 "Evie, cy OKLA. oP TENN. We = oS mn : nays eS ay nsns ' th mEnPnis a ee 7. cr x ~ een are s, | é v \ | & een So | campen yy ; e, BIRTMING . ° " Sf = wy : 4, = MISS. : L{_.--.-49\. | Sfe SHREVE popy " iF iS ALA * > vic KS BURG 1 ofa "a e I ce =" oF ir ee Xs ee ea = wo : LA. : > Copyrighted by CARA ee "ns . INTRACOASTAL \ 9 _ acme Aco, Fred W. Green Housrven oe : eo ae Ra EW ORLEANE 4 CAL ELATON ie NS : 4 ' ae Fourus cunist! ------ \ Waterway from the Great Lakes to the Gulf with connecting waterways. e Oy 82 = A ory, ce t \

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