HARBOR AT ee DULUTH, MINN. 4. . 5. \ 6. 8. 14 € oe 16 6 -- 1 Pe Z 14. a 15 10 Tait AL p\Qs. : : 16. 9 11 17 - 280 ---- wll = DULUTH, MINNESOTA Berwind Fuel Co. Dock No. 2. Capitol Elevators 4 & 5, 6 & 7. Carnegie Coal & Dock Co. No. 2 (Foot 50th Ave. W.) Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. Cutler-Magner Co. (Salt Dock), Foot of 5th Av. W. Cutler-Magner Co. (Lime Dock), Foot of 8th Av. W. General Mills Elevators '"'A," & "B."' Norris Elevators "'E,"' "F,' "H" and "I." Inland Coal & Dock Co., (Foot 50th Ave. W.) Marine Iron & Shipbuilding Co. Northern Pacific R. R. Lumber Dock. Northwestern-Hanna Fuel Co. (Dock No. 8, Garfield Ave.) Northwestern-Hanna Fuel Co. (Dock No. 4, Garfield Ave.) Northwestern-Hanna Fuel Co. (Dock No. 5, 37th Ave. West) Occident Elevator. Peavy Elevator. St. Louis Bay Dock Co. (Missabe Coal Dock). Zenith Furnace Co. (Interlake Iron Corp.) Copyrighted by Fred W. Green, 1948