O DUNNVILLE -- PORT PIAITLANMER) LAKE ONTARIO O\ SORT DAL House PORMWWELLER Zs Ye > D> cS THOROLD ee ay O AGAR A. Nes. WELLAND ee &) LAKE ERIE '© WELLAND JUNCTION c> 0 HUMBERSTONE a xP ae7 COLBORN THE WELL AND c AN Al, Copyrighted by Fred W. Green, 1948 Name Miles Locks Dimensions Lift Port Colborne to Port Dalhousie (Old: Canal). ....0.0..0. 630.000 2634 25 270x45 32654" Port Colborne to Port Weller (New. Canal) .: 2.2). 2. ak 25 at 800x80 32514 Port Colborne to. AJlanbure: (Old Line) 3.2). ck a 11% Port: Maitland te -Peeder 0.0.23. 3. ue. eee Cae ieee ue Coe 1% Reeder Junction to<Dunnville: 2... 02 fs. is se Zt Port Robinson to Chippewa 2.) 0.3. oe. oe oes os prs eee 8 Guard, bocks <p. oe ee ] Lift of Mach Loek 253% os eee oe sos a 4614' Control Lock at Humberstone is 1380 feet in length. (T.ongest in the world) Time for ships to pass through canal: 8 hours. Estimated cost of this canal $130,000,000.00. Work started in 1913--and opened in 1931. 290