NEW YORK STATE CANAL SYSTEM--DISTANCE TABLE OF POINTS Locks: Built of concrete, operated by electricity: Averave time of. lockave... 2 ei es ienpth between tock gates .. s... 6k. elie els Available length inside lock chambers .............. Width of lock chambers (minimum 44.45 ft.) ........ Depth of water on lock sills. o.oo DNamiber 6550S ee a Mileage: Erie Canal (Waterford to Tonawanda) .........:... Oswego Canal (from Three Rivers Point to Lake tATIO): 2 se a a a Cayuge-Seneca Canal (from: junction with the Erie Canal to Ithaca and Watkins, including Cayuga and Seneca Lakes and spur to Montour Falls) ........ Champlain Canal (Waterford to Whitehall) ......... Canal harbors at Utica, Syracuse and Rochester .... dotal canal mileare (530 ae Distances Between Certain Points on Canals and Connecting Waters: New York City, Pier 6, East River to Waterford ..... Tonawanda to Buffalo, Erie Basin ..:.. 20.05.6660 656 Leckpors to Tonawands. 3.626 Waterford to Phree River Point, . 032 ee Junction, Erie and Cayuga and Seneca Canals-- BOCK To a a Junction, Lock 1, Cayuga and Seneca Canal to Lock Be ee ee a. Wnitewal to Rouses Pout... 6k ee. Se os Pooany to Whitehall... oo. ee es Mv atertord 10 Osweed 2 ee miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles miles (sreens Great Lakes Directory The Original Publishers of Coal Docks on the Great Lakes since 1910 328