COAL. AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Ford Motor Co. (Coke and Slag Dock)-- Located on Rouge River, east bank, north of Dix Ave. Bridge. Ford Motor Co. (Steel and Pig Iron Dock)-- Depth of water at dock 20 to 21 feet. Can handle any length boat or beam. R. R. Conn.: D. T. & I.. M. C., Wabash. Supt.--D. L. Hewkirk. Ford Motor Co., 3674 Schaefer Road, ee Mich. Use belt conveyor. Capacity per 10 hours 2,500 to 3,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any size boat. R. BR: Conn: D. Te 1 Supt.--D. L. Newkirk. Located on Rouge River, west bank. Ford Motor Co., 3674 Schaefer Road, Dearborn, Mich. 5 Brown Electric Gantry Cranes. 2 equipped with 70 foot booms and 3 with 90 foot booms. Capacity per 10 hours.unloading 2,000 to 3,000 tons--depends on type of vessel. Capacity per 10 hours loading 2,000 to 3,000 tons--depends on type of vessel. Depth of water at dock 19 to 20 feet. Can handle any size boat. Rik. Conn: 2), Fs te, Supt.--George Guenther. Fuel Oil Corporation-- Dock located Foot of Great Lakes Ave. Office: Book Tower. 8" and 12" centrifugal pumps used. Depth of water at dock 17 to 22 feet. Length of dock 425 feet. R. 'ReConn.>M. Ca R: R: Great Lakes Steel Corp. (Blast Furnace Division) -- Phone VI 2-4600. Located on the Detroit River at Zag Island Phone Oregon 4600. Phone Oregon 4600. Address of Operator: Ecorse, Detroit, Mich. Mgr.--E. J. McCleary. Purchasing Agent--E. R. Schneider. Depend entirely on self-unloading boats. Coal is unloaded into an 8,000 ton receiving hopper from which coal is removed at the rate of 500 tons per hour by con- veyor, belts and stacker to stock. About 150 ft. boom, depending on height it can be elevated, is minimum boom length to discharge coal into receiving hopper. Storage capacity 450,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 24 feet. Can handle any size boat. R. RR; Com: Mo C., D. Ts & 1, be C.- Re Ro Pe Me Wanesn, GT. Rn. eB a. Supt.--Dan McLachlan. Great Lakes Steel Corp.-- Limestone dock located on Detroit River foot of Tecumseh Rd. (Ecorse). Depend on self-unioading boats. Depth of water at dock 24 feet. Can handle any size boat. Storage capacity 300,000 tons. Length of dock 2,000 feet. R. Re Conni: NEG: Re RR, Huron Portland Cement Co.-- Located foot of Riopelle St. Office: 1825 Ford Bldg. Use self-unloading boats. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Length of dock 125 feet. Kk. Conn... G. ER. kk. Inland Lime & Stone Co.-- Located west side of River Rouge foot of South Deacon St. Depend on self-unloading boats. Storage capacity 100,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. oe handle any size boat. 7h. Conn. Mo C, Bo. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF COAL AND ORE DOCKS 399