COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Depth of water at dock 17 feet. Minneapolis 2, Minn. Phone Main 63801. Can handle any size boat. 2 Mead-Morrison with 75 foot booms. Length of dock 425 feet. Size of clam shells used 3 ton. Capacity per 10 hours 5,000 tons. 7 DULUTH, MINN. Storage capacity of shed 100,000 tons. Berwind Fuel Co. (Dock No. 2)-- Can handle any size boat. 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, Ill. Phone Harrison 1900. Length of dock 2,000 feet. H. Crawford, Vice Pres. & Purchasing Agent, URICHES) iil: R.e Re-Conni: N: PG. N., Omahaz Soe; Milw., D. M. &@ I. X,, West Duluth Dock, 50th Ave. West. D. S: 8. & As, C.N. West Duluth Dock. | pao Supt.--John Wadley. Res. Phone Calumet 1197. Three Link Belt Co. J. McNamara, Pur. Agent, Superior, Wis. Size of clam shells used 7 ton. Capacity per 10 hours 10,000 tons. Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.-- Storage capacity 500,000 tons. 600 Garfield Ave. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Rices Point, between Capital and Consolidated Elevators. Can handle boats of any length. 1 Watson patent fast plant. R. R.:Conn,: N:P: St. Paul, Soo & © NN. DeM. GN; Dp et k.. Size of clam shell used 3 ton. D. S. S: & A;, Omaha, Ge N: Capacity per 10 hours 3,000 tons. Supt.--Charles W. Link. Equipped with 20 ft. clean up clam shell. 1 Mead-Morrison Bridge. Carnegie Dock & Fuel Co. (Bituminous) No. 2--Phone Calumet 2264. Size of clam shells used 6 ton. Location: St. Louis River, West Duluth. Capacity per 10 hours 5,000 tons. 1016 Roanoke Bldg., Minneapolis 2, Minn., W. H. Godwin, Pres. Work days and nights. J. F. Donahue, Vice Pres. & Mgr. Phone Main 6301. Storage capacity 460,000 tons. 1 Mead-Morrison with 75 foot boom. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. 6 ton clam shells used. Can handle any size boat. Capacity per 10 hours 3,000 tons. R..R. Conn.:.N. P.,: S00, Omaha, G: N,, GC. N.. St. Panl, D. & Storage capacity 500,000 tons. LeR,, De M, & N. Can handle any size boat. Supt.--W. J. Sheehan. Po ae Bi oe ; ake ' . ength of dock 2,000 feet, slip 2,000 feet, width 400 feet. : ye s : R. R. Conn.: N. B., G. N., Omaha, Soo, Milwaukee, D. M. L R., ee eee ee ae aoe segs er D. S. S.A. C.'N. Henry LaLiberte, Pres. Phone Mel. 1418. Supt.--John Wadley. Res. Phone Calumet 1197. Fidelity Bldg. Purchasing Agent--J. M. McNamara, Superior, Wis. 1 Lakeside Traveling Crane. Carnegie Dock & Fuel Co., Dock No. 2-- Phone Calumet 2264. Size of clam shells used 3% ton. Location: St. Louis River, West Duluth. Capacity per 10 hours 1,500 tons. W. H. Godwin, Pres. Storage-- Warehouse Dock Bldg's. with Roof Hatches. Rove J. F. Donahoe, Vice Pres. & Manager, Roanoke Bldg. Storage capacity of Salt 30,000 tons. jae SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 403