RECORD OF ORE LOADING DOCKS ON THE GREAT LAKES ' Revised to May 1, 1947 *Reinforced concrete and steel. DULUTH, MISSABE & IRON RANGE RY. CO. LELAND CLAPPER, Chief Engineer * * a 2 5 n s ot s s 3 8 i Locati se > s "3 fe3, 2.2 583 geen = e Railway ocation S Ba ee 22s ere: Fass ees S208 ae aes ae ee 3 ge 88 £32 "33? 833 33 SEES &3 BS gs oo. So 3223's "SD ¢ "SD mee SB ge 788 #36 S288 25 we eed $8 a3 a Aes Chicago & Northwestern Railway.................... Escanaba, Mich......... 5 370 5at50tons 92,500 4,142 37/9 54"" 70'9" 51'6"' 32/144" 2,220' 45°0' 1910 Chicago & Northwestern Railway.................... Escanaba, Mich......... 6 320 5at50tons 80,000 4,260 40'0" 73/44' 51'6"' ---35'448"" 1,920' 45°0' 1925 : 78-30'1 34" 78 pockets 1908 Chicago & Northwestern Railway................... Ashland, Wisc........... 2 278 4at50tons 55,600 3,550 39/10%"" 710%" 49'6" 200-32'149"' 1,668' 45°0' 100 beer 1924 200 pockets 1917 Chicago & Northwestern Railway................... Ashland, Wise..... eo. 3 340 5 at 50 tons picts) 4,260 40'434"' §73'514"' 51'6"" 35/414" 2,040' 45°0' 140 pockets 1921 ota 1,308 ; Duluth, Missabe & Tron Range. 22... 2 -20.5..0 5... Two Harbors, Minn...... 1 224 5at50tons 56,000 4,532 39/3"' ton 51'8"' 34'0" 1,344' 48°0' 1912; * Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range ...................... Two Harbors, Minn...... 2 228 6at50tons 68,400 5,360 40'37%"" 80'0" 56'8" 35'0" 1,368' 48°0' 1916 * Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range ..................... Two Harbors, pe ne 6 '- 6 at 50 tons econ 4,820 40'0"' T4214" 61 84"" 34/0" _ 888' 45°0' 1916 and 1924 * ota 00 ' Duluth, Missabe & Tron Range... 2.00... ee, Duluth; Minn... 5 384 6at50tons 115,200 5,313 40'8"' 80'5" 560" --s- 36'0"' 2,304' 47°30' 1915 * Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range...................... Duluth, Minn.. .. ey 6 ae 8 at 50 tons tte 6,560 40/414' 84'5" 60/0" 36/0" 2,304' 47°30' 1919 * ota 68 268,80 ' Great Northern Railway Co... ...23 22.225. 4 Superior, Wise........... 1 374 7T7at50tons 130,900 5,620 41/2" 80'8" 56/0" = 360"' 2,244' 47°30' 1926-27-28 Great Northern Railway €o..°2: 3 oe Superior, Wisc........... 2 350 7at50tons 122,500 5,620 41'0"' 80'6" 560" ~~ 36'0"' 2,100' 47°30' 1923 38'9"' 160 pockets 1918 1942 & 1943 Great Northern Railway Co. 3235 24 eee Superior, Wisc........... 3 326 6at50tons 97,800 5,100 38944" 77'0" =: 5978" = 34/0" 1,956' 47°30' ioe Se 1921 4 945 Great Northern Railway. Co., 2200.0. oe.) Superior, Wisc........-. 4 302 6at50tons 90,600 5,035 40'2" (0! = 62'6"" 34'6"' 1,812' 47°30' 1911 * Total 1,352 441,800 i Northern Pacific Railway Co:...2.¢. 2... 2... 2.22.3. Superior, Wisc.......... 1 102 7at50tons 35,700 5,490 40'6" 80/0"... 72" 34'0"' 612' 47°30' 1913 25 Northern Pacifie Railway Co............... ee ea Be Bxthe 2. 1 100 7Z7at50tons 35,000 5,600 39/9"' 80'0" 592 34/ 14" 600' 47°30' 1917. * Northern Pacific Railway Co:.. 3a ee: ond Hxtne cok kc. 1 108 7at50tons 37,800 5,600 39/7" 80'0" 59/2" 34/ 1k" 648" 47°30' 1926 =* Total 310 108,500 Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic...................-. Marquette, Mich........ 6 150 5 at 75 tons or 7at50tons 56,250 5,940 43/3/" 85°72 59/0" 360" 900' 47°30' 1931... -* : 150 pockets 1917* Minn., St. P. & Sault Ste. Marie Railway............ Ashland, Wise........... 2 300 7at50tons 105,000 5,100 42'0" 810". 50'0"* 2 34'6"" 1,800' iow 150 pockets 1924* » Lake Superior & Ishpeming R. R. Co................. Marquette, Mich........ 2 200 5at50tons 50,000 4,590 43'0" 75'0"' 54'0"' ae e; ; 1,200' 45°0' 1912 * Canadian National Railways......................6. Port Arthur, Ont........ 100 300tons -- 30,000 6,100 42710' 82'6" 64'8"" = 300". 600' 47°30' 1945. .* Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Railway.............. Michipicoten, Ont....... Loading Bin Capacity of 12,000 gross tons--with Belt Conveyor System for loading vessels--Built in 1939. Aliouer---Great Northern 4.05. ei Superior--Northern Pacific & Soo Line...........4.... Duluth--D. M. &I.R Serer ee eee eee ers e ee ete eee eee es Nahland ©, @ NW. 8 ee Ashliand=-00 lime... © a ee ae ee eee D. Bergdahl UPPER LAKE ORE DOCK AGENTS 481 Cee ea oe ii ec ee Thomas J. Greene Port Arthar, Ont---Canadian National Ri R.. 3... 35 i 6 eo. Rhee eve ce bes oes Ode As DEVIN pik ee OS Se ea esis A. E, Anderson Marquette---Presoue Isles. coo or. ok oS os ee a a a od ee ee se ae ee eet ay 8. Haug Marquette--pouth Shore. <2 55. ee os ent eon eee tee oe bn ev ce es oe ee We fe APMISDPONE, Agent Ce ee re D. Bergdahl Two Harbors-2D. Mud IR. 3. es oe a a Bgoanabas-Cs & Ne Wii ce a ea a ee F, M. Fernstrom