THE ENTIRE MOVEMENT AT CHICAGO DURING 1947--GRAIN AND SOY BEANS SHIPMENTS Oy Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Beans Total Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. By Lake-- To Bulialo: 4... - 12,937,000: 5,487,000: 1,395,000... oe 246,000 19,715,000 To Hie. 6s. 028000 .: 2;898,000 a a a 3,826,000 To Oswego... ...... OS10,000 see ee, 121,000 68,000 9,999,000 Toe Cardinal 3.25. 3852.2 oe: 129/000 oe. oe, 129,000 To Goderioh...2. 23 i. ae DBE0O0 sc Se ee 234,000 To Kingston 3. O49 000 ee a er 649,000 To. Montreal 237225 TS9000 22 ee ae eee i ee 189,000 To Prescott.) 66s 1058/0002 ee ee ee 1,058,000 Vo Timine. 30. se, 200,000 AGT000. Oh Oe ee es 667,000 TO T6rente ¢ a a ee ee 749,000 749,000 Lo Walkerville... 558. 823,000 2 Oe 823,000 Total by Lake.... 23,875,000 11,584,000 1,395,000 ........ 121,000 1,063,000 38,038,000 By-llinois Waterways. 63 a ee ee ee Total by Rail.... 11,111,000 71,519,000 23,829,000 1,408,000 3,929,000 8,368,000 120,164,000 Total Shipments.... 34,986,000 83,103,000 25,224,000 1,408,000 4,050,000 9,431,000 158,202,000 In store and afloat in harbor Dec. 31, 1947 3,976,000 City consumption and unaccounted for.... 5,968,000 4,945,000 2,242,000 283,000 68,812,000 10,021,000 266,000 15, 759,000 037,000 2,351,000 14,556,000 7,743,000 107,847,000 RECEIPTS Soy Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Beans Total Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. By Lake-- ; From Duluth: "<2 eo ee a a a From Portowilham <0) a Votal' by Dake: 5 So a ee By Illinois Waterways. 1,567,000 29,996,000 1,633,000 9,000 7:0 1,272,000 34,473,000 Total by Rail. ... 42,371,000 120,438,000 33,903,000 1,092,000 19,065,000 12,416,000 229,285,000 (racked in<. 9. .-. .c. 175,000 1,708,000 420,000 12,000 5,000 235,000 2,555,000 Total Receipts... .. In store and afloat in harbor Dec. 31, 1946 Grand Totals..... 44,113,000 152,142,000 35,956,000 1,109,000 19,070,000 13,923,000 266,313,000 817,000 4,718,000 1,531,000 848,000 776,000 5,602,000 14,292,000 44,930,000 156,860,000 37,487,000 1,957,000 19,846,000 19,525,000 280,605,000 LYMAN C. WEST--Statistician Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago, IIl. Grand Totals..... 44,930,000 156,860,000 37,487,000 1,957,000 19,846,000 19,525,000 280,605,000 MOVEMENT OF GRAIN BY LAKE AT MILWAUKEE DURING THE YEAR 1947 RECEIPTS SHIPMENTS From Wheat Corn Barley Rye Total To: Wheat Corn Barley Rye Total Bus Bus Bus Bus. Bus Bus. Bus. Bus. Bus. Bus. DIONE oo ak ee ee ee ee ee Se Buflalo™ 0 oo x, 3,327,328 209,057 5/7,400- 2) ee 4,113,835 Oswero.23 2050325. 940, ise oe 1,3883;928 se 2,324,714 Motels 194705 a a ie BN at a a Cardinals is. 26Ac2. 4 : 129,000" 62s ee 129,000 Ratals 1040" oe ee ee ee ON ee Koneston 2 303,088 923 363,038 a Otals 1940. oe 264,978 3,063,064) 3 oo ce: 3,328,042 Rreseothen ee V2UIO ee a ee 121,107 Totals 19442...... 2. AV12 183.0 ee eee: 1,775,545 765,801 7,283,529 Aathn ot oe 235,700 = oe ee 235,700 Totals 1947... 05506: 4,503,814 822,202 L961 STS. Ga 7,287,394 Totals 1946......... 2 GL 2220 2 ee ee ee 2,761,222 Totals 1945.2 ....6 5; 5,740,574 105,023 112.0000 7228 eo 5,957,597 Totals 1944....:5.... 2,809 815 88 Y a ee ee 2,809,815 MILWAUKEE GRAIN EXCHANGE December 3, 1947 James G. O'Brien, Secretary 496