GENERAL INDEX INDEX OF CONTENTS Page Page A Pew Historical Facts and Canals... .. 203s eee 489 Hngines and Boilers of Lake Ships, ...0%)....... o..2. 2s ee 246 Miohaveucal Ist of Vessels 3s 129 First Ship on the Great Lakes ©... .6...3300-6 489 Alphabetical List of Vessels, Showing Their Grain and Coal First Steamer on the Great Lakes: .. 2.27.0... .-352.--. 489 Carrying Capacities... 0. 3 ee 190 General Statistics of Great Lakes Vessels -.........:.....-..... 129 miphabetical List of Owners: oo. 97 Grain Carrying Capacities of Lake Siips.......0.0..:2..5,.3. 190 mipliapetical ist ot Passenver Boats: .. se 209 Grain Elevators. of: the Great Lakes' ....0./..3....0. 2205... 337 miphenpetical [ast of Car @emies 4... 0.0)... 207 Grain Shipments by Great Lakes ports ......2....-.... 5... 483 Aiphabetical list of Self-Unloading Boasts ......02...002.. 0.2... 183 Grain Shipments from Chicago. .2..-... ..:..55 6, 483-496 miu Tonbare mIpments: 24. ot ee 479 Grain Shipments from Milwaukee .....205.05.0 22553... 496 Pino (ito HeCCIDIS 205) ee ee ee. 497 Grain Shipments from Duluth /...2..-.-0.. 33. 483 Wanatian Catiots trauie (2.343. es a 321 Grain: Shipments from Fort William,Ont. ..c.......5.0 0... .. 484 OanaliS 42 ne a 493 Grain Receipts at Chicago by Water ....0.7...-5).) |... 496 Cannis--Biack "HOCK. 0 6 334 Grain Receipts at Bullalo .. 2... oe 497 Comais Pie. 3 re ee ee 334 Grain Receipts at. Duluth: by Water.2..2..°... 8. 483 Canais-_Oswero Branch: -2 3.63. oo a Ss 334 Grain Receipts at Milwaukee by Water .........4...5.... 2... 496 Canals--Green Bay to the Mississippl ....2. 2. 2025.00.03 sere. 335 Great Lakes, The 5.00.4. ee 490 Canais_lLiake frie to Montreal .2.: 60 ee. 335 Great Lakes Cargo. Statistics 3.2... 32. 479 Canalis Ottawa & Rideau Rivers .. 2... 02.6 aa a0 Great bakes Chart: :.02.50 ee 10 Catiais --WICMeueu fe ee ee ee ee 330 Harpor Charts: . 7c er 267 Canais---_Lake Ontario to Georgian Bay ......2s.5:...32-0 Se. 335 Historical: Facts: 0... ae a 489 orale Bale we. WAATIC 2 a.8 Ro ee ee 335 Home Ports for Ships Registered 93-22... 333 Wanhals--Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal: +.) 2. 30. es ee 3a) Illinois Waterway--Locks, Dams, & Controlling Clearances .... 331 ar Peres se a 207 Tron Ore 'Loading Docks 6235.0. ee ee 481 Warryinge Capacities of Lake Vessels .......006.555 <5. 2. 129-190 Iron Ore Unioadine Docks... 0. a 365 Charts Of Morpors. os nos es as a 267 Iron Ore Dock Supt's--Upper Lake Docks .. 2:2... 0.2. vie es 481 Chicaeo 10: ne NUSSISSIDO! . oe i a a eee 334 Tron "Ore "Shipments: ow a Ss 484-486-487 Kareena bay to the Mississippl .2 2. 2243 ee 334 Lake: rie to. Montreal *... 3 6. oe 335 par Carrying Capacities of Vessels... ... 2.22 oe ee 190 Limestone Shipments. . 2. .0 cis ee 479 Coal & Miscellaneous Docks of the Great Lakes ................ 379 Miscellaneous Docks =... 5.3. a 379 Coal Shipments--Bituminous from Charlotte--Sodus Point & Mississippi 'River Data. ..:. 3.3 se 329-330 OSWerO 2 a a 479 Names of Tugs which have been changed. . 2... 2:5... 7423... 292 Coal Shipments--Anthracite from Charlotte--Sodus Point, Names of Vessels which have been changed ..................... 216 Nortn Pair Haveli and Oswero. ... 26542220 479 New. York State Barge Canal Terminals -.. 2.6 5s.42.. 5.20. So. 319 ost Shipmenis by Porte .. 6s i ee ees 480 New York State Canal System--Tables of Locks and Miles ...... 322 moni Shipments to Canadian Ports ... 02... 15 i. lage, 480 New York State Canal System--Distance Tables of points ....... 323 Coal Shipments--Anthracit@ Coal «2... ok, ee 479 New York State Canal System--Mileage from New York to Coal Shipnients--Biwnnno0us: 7.2 i 480 Buralo oe a ee 323 Coal Shipments to Duluth and Superior .::505.¢ 3. ee ree, 498 New York State Canal System--Distance Tables and points ..... 326 Coast Gunrd Stations 6666 es er ee ee ee 309 New York State Canal System--Data, on Bridges, Locks, Boats, COMbasS, Te 8. ie a a es ee 8 PG ee ee a a a 327 ary Docks oF the Great bakes: 26... is. ei Ee 374 New York State Canal Systems----Locks. Mileage Distances ...... 326 Dulute and. Superior Coal Receipts... sii eee 498 New York State Canal System--Champlain Canal .............. 326 pieVators Of Ene Great Takes .: 2 3 yl ck ee 337 New York State Canal System--Seneca & Cayuga Canal ........ oot 514°