Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Green's Great Lakes Directory, 1948, p. 515

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GENERAL INDEX Page New York State Canal Systeni (6.2... fice: cee es me 334 Frantz; Josep HH: Oth 6.0 a Passenger Boats of the Great bakes 2... 02. 3.88 eee eo 209 Godericn Hlevator 0 20 ee Plimsoll Mark 2 ee ee ae 38 Crrace, Th Ge. OW. 653.552 eee oe ee on Pretace 26 oe ee ee 13 Great Lakes Chart 0 a Record GCargoes: <5. 2. a a re 311 Harbor Cars 2. 5 oe ee a a Revistered Leneth of Lake Vessels 0)... ak ee 333 Hartwell, Pred G. Str 02.5 6 ee. oe Rivers oe es a ee ee 490 Hiram Walker Grain Plevalor. 2... 207i). 2 St. Bawrence Hiver & Cannas. : 25.05.25. ee, Sere 288 Pmiperial Tiondon 'Stv. -.-20.. 23... 7i Sane Pistances . yo ee ee Sa a 234 Penne s- Fuel DOCK. 2...) ses a tatily te Marie Canal Traine 2.70006. oa ee 332 Leechil tall Str. 2... 2067.33 Smioments of Canadian Canals .. 2. 0. er 321 Mackinaw in the Ice (US:.6:G) > ...0.00 2g i Selr-Uioadine Boats 2: 600 oe a a 183 Mather, Samuel, Str. 0200 552 es ee Soo ee steamship. COMmjOrabvions -- 2.2 a 230 Mather, Wiliam: G. SUF. 3...) gs ee Sromer Fired Steamers. 20 2. 22 a oe ee 232 Milwaukee: Harbor: Terminal 2.0386 ee Sturveon Bay oni) Canal. 2.4. .2.2 5 2c ee 335 New York State Canal System... .. i Terminals on the New York State Canal System ................ 319 Worisle Sty 2465... ee Ge OMe ee a a ee ae 13 North-Western Hanna Coal Dock ....:..0 22... 3 Tonnages--Gross--Net and Displacement ...................... 333 Paisley. te als oul. oy oe ee a a ee Merc of Canadian Canals ... 6.2 2k ee eas 321 Pere Marauette. Car Perry co.) el i a "aes of the Great. LaKeS 2.20: soe ee a ee 295 Pine Ridge Coak Dock... >... 2 ovo. 'tues Names that' have been changed... .......2 4.22. ce... 291 PlimsOll. Mark 32.4 sk Oo ee ee ere Wpper Mississippi River--Locks and Dams .........0......4.22203 329 Port Huron Coal & Dock. 22) 3. 2. A Vessel Dispatch at Duluth and Superior on Coal Cargoes ........ 498 Port of Monroe, Michigan 43... -..0. 5... ae Waterways and Locks.of the Great Lakes .. 2.0.3 waa 2. 334 Post, GG SE... Waterways of the U. S. Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico ...... 82 Rail to Water Transfer at Chicago, Illinois > 2 :s)....... 2)... Pveatner Signals 2.6.6 ee a a 23 Hogcet Tug) 000-520. eee Welland Canal Traimc ... 66 ee ee 321 Rochester: &.Pittsburch Fuel Dock... j2.. 2.2.23... Wreelland Silip Canal'... .. 4.2 a ea ee 290 St: lawrence River © Canals ... 2.22456 Wheat Carrying Capacities of Lake Ships... :..5. .....-...22. 190 Se J. ae Self Unioader.. 3. 26255075. 2 Stee ing Re eee So a a ee : ILLUSTRATIONS Valley. Camp Sir. eo ae ee ee ee Biren, Susi MV 44 Waterways from the Great Lakes to: the Gulf... 52757. Meenner. Viscount <-.2 06s a a ee 20 Weather Siendls 2.2. ee, a larvouuon. Sur. 2k ee a a 54 Weir Ermest \. SU. 26.02. i a angus SUG 2. oh re ea ee 60 Wetland Canal 0.5.0 oie dies Saat ae. ee at cote a eee on ae Welt Willidm Fo Sir)... oe. eee esapeake lo Car Dump, esapeake io Iron Doc 5 City of Midland Car Perry |... io. i te 36 LIST OF ADVERTISERS Cleveland & Pittsburgh Iron Ore Unloading Dock .............. 28 AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO OWNS oot se ees i i es ee ce 8 Pmpire Hanna Coal Co, .; is sscc 5 es a eh a peers | eg cn =e a cc ccc BS MeQueen Marine Limited 2: a2. ccels sie cis es a, Rela Motor Vessel 22 AMHERSTDALE, W. VA. Wowie. ary Ts Sir. oe: es iS Se ee ee 44 Guyan: Macie Coal Co. oye. oe. Ass Cons ee ee 515

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