LIST OF ADVERTISERS--Continued ea Page Page SAULT STE. MARIE, EGHGAN TOLEDO, OHIO Crisp Laundry aceDry: Cleaying Co. ... 2026, scavets fies ca hee Mimevican Shipbuilding (Co. 322 yi a. ge ee ee 5H : Green's Great: Lakes Directory -...... 2.2 Be co 8 ep eee ee 8g 13 Commercial Testing & Engineering Co. ........ Yee oe ee ck eee Kemp + Brothers Coal 00.4. ois. EE fe Se eh tS 506 Erie Machine & Iron Works, In¢........:.. a UE ls ee 239) | Norin- Wester Banna -Pyel Co. (3.500557 Ue 8 eg Fes 49 Great Lakes Foundry. & Machine COR re Oe es 507 Si@o BMETING BUTEA. ox. Sho s owe es URS we pecs Oe PR 503 Beat ae Towne ea prac ceeen geet Ass pe tan Behe ge ea) aot ; heen's. Great Lakes: Directory. i. 4.54 tas a ae At SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Hansen Weldime'.o0.,- Hans »... ge¢-2 3 ee a ee eee ee 184 Borden Oil Go. . 2.2 ee ee ee eye gl Ar Rae A Ere ey J24 -» Hardy & Dischinger Co. igh ee Bee I ee cick UN AI Ge a i eS ee 50S Excelsoir Laundry .......-..-+:ss.++ees Denne eee eee dee wees 377 Inland Survey Bureau, ine. : 2... 6... 22. es a ee "3 455 Green's Great Lakes Directory .......+/..5..-. biden ence tees 13 Worris sGrain Coo en a al. gs cw toe Lk 188 Honold & LePage, Inc. ...... 6 te eee e eee eee ee te eee eee 377 @hio Machinery ©0032 ei a eee 90. Pe, Fe rs ee ee a A ae Oe a We Paes 3TT Price Boiler & Welding Co. SOE Bre et a eg en eee ey 310. See TrOn WOPKS «1... 0. eee eee teeta 377 Superior Mariné Supply Co.;.;. <0 25.8..0.i...0.. ras . 508 Reiss Coal Co. os RGR Sh ae ate eet et Valley Camp Stores <2 0.0.50... 020s et ereteee ee et reese - 96 pea Rape ee Pt ee TORONTO, ONTARIO. SODUS POINT NS Empire Hanna Coal Co. 75 Commercial Testing & Engineering Co.) ini'. og ee 32 ony Chemical Co. ee Pe ee heey as a ; ag) SOREL, QUEBEC McMillan, Binch Wilkinson Berry & Wright:.......0....4..2%-. 186 ~ Marnie Oiduuiries, Ltd, (oof... oe eC RR 7 Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co., Lid. -.... 01-40: ..tsfep esses = Weaver Obal Oo. sLidgr Pot. ..6ai.. fel dies lag eT 314 peyines Gt Co.. Tide cis sbi cceann sas NCA S a as ae ss oe Valley Camp Coal C0. ibGe ee a i es ee "2 | STURGEON BAY, WISCONSIN | Weaver. Coal 'Go; Tdi, FL Pee it one oe og os ee es ns 23a | Cristy "Corporation ge so vs A Be he oe Sd gs 125 WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO a. SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN Hiram Walker & Sons Grain Corporation, Ltd. .............. 27 aE a oe SUD OOr 0 2k pe Re pers 315 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS 4 ape tenes foe win lp Eh cae ee Stee, TE oe = Beridsen See iiete SPP SNCTRE ac Dry Deck Co. oe 314 WINDSOR, ONTARIO Drenern BOC Mae erine 10. 0 a eee ee. 314 Apple Brothers. Co... Gd, |...) a 5 ke bs ek sa 241 eee fignne uel:Co, o.oo jees 48-49 mpire Hanne Coal Ce tt Be Sa ta Ky es 75 ] OF Fs ah te ls ae cP aa ge as pee 67 Green Rakes Directors. 6. cs oe a ee Pe Hae ee : Superior, Lidgerwood 'Mundy Corporation. .1..... 0.0. gescc, sees 508 Beek Machbae Sahope oe fk Pah, ee ee oat TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA ; Waugh, i BO ge i eek ee en ee 0 is ee ee apes 241 Maumee Colliéries Co. .....0...00. sg 2 aye et COE a o Es : WINNIPEG, MANITOBA Ww Coal Co. Lia: THOROLD, ONTARIO Boland ae VOTMOUMS . 0 Ge: . ee ie ee wee aie se eS ee ge + ee oe 59 eaver Coa Os Sits, BPs oe Os Ae ee a ee 314 roe ee co came he ME Oe ea ee de ee 13. : ars CLONNGR: 152: sig ge Ss oe as ees we eee Se Coe 12 | Atchien itt. pee PAE ee : Osborn & ange; Inc, ooo. ie ee he ee eee eee aa 2 Se ee ee ae bbc dd SO AL A. Ss hs Boehei uahatie s,s el Whig we 505 Winnipeg Charterers, Ltd: ...... be iy sd aehad ey Af wy ciode ciety scald es 20. gee 4 i 520... Ihe cilia eigen ogi ES ages eins eer alee as