ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued No. 147 MOHAWK NAVIGATION CO., LTD., R. A. Campbell, Mer., Capt. W. B. Donnelly, Supt., O. Perrault, Pur. Agt., 635 Common St., Phone Marquette 8383, Montreal, Que. Str. Massey, F. V. Str. Secord, Captain C. D. Str. Shaughnessy, Sir Thomas Bge. Krupp, Alfred No. 148 MILLER, LEE, Phone 421, Put-In-Bay, Ohio. M/V South Shore M/V West Shore No. 150 NATIONAL SAND & MATERIAL CO., LTD., G. G. Robin- son, Mgr., W. M. Edington, Supt., Harbor Comm. Bldg., Phone Elgin 5432, Toronto, Ont. Str. Dick, Charles Str. Dick, Baxter Bge. Lakegravel No. 150B NEUMAN BOAT LINE, Charles S. Neuman, Mer., Foot of Columbus Ave., Phone 1756, Sandusky, Ohio. M/V Commuter M/V Mascot No. 152 NIAGARA, ST. CATHERINES & TORONTO RY. CO., LTD., CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMERS, J. R. Empringham, Supt., Geneva St., St. Catherines, Ont. fur, Agt., J. W. Corbett, ©. N: Rk. Express Bldg,,1 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ont. Str. Northumberland Dalhousie Nav. Co., Ltd. (Ltd. Str. Dalhousie City Cit No. 153 NICHOLSON TRANSIT CO., Wm. Nicholson, Pres., C. E. Jackson, Traffic Mgr., R. O. Jackson, Pur. Agt., S. F. Dupont Fleet Engineer. Phone Vinewood 2-4300, Box 66, Foot Great Lakes Ave., Ecorse, Detroit 18, Mich. Nicholson Transit Co. Str. Canopus Str. Donnelly, Charles NICHOLSON TRANSIT CO.--Continued No No No. Str. Fellowcraft Str. Ironwood Str: Iselin, Adrian Str. Perseus M/V Material Service Str. Pope, I. C. Str. Penobscot Str. Sonora Str. Steel King Str. Sultana Str. Tampico Str. Watt, James Bge. Swederope Ecorse Transit Co. Str. Mataafa . 155 NORTH AMERICAN TRANSPORTS, LTD., R. A. Camp- bell, Mgr., H. L. Graham, Supt., O. Perrault, Pur. Agt., 635 Common St., Phone Marquette 8383, Montreal, Que. 4 M. S. Redcloud M. S. Redfern M. S. Redriver M. S. Redwood . 156 NORTHERN PAPER MILLS, LTD., A. K. McNaughton, Z Megr., Green Bay, Wis., and Hansen, Ontario. Str. Norco Bge. Normil . 156A NORTHPORT CHERRY FACTORY, 518 South R. R. Street, Port Clinton, Ohio. M/V Gilman, D. Elgin 0518, Toronto, Ont. Str. Hudson, A. A. Str. Superior 157 NORTHWEST STEAMSHIPS, LTD., D. Alton Hudon, Megr., J. M. Hood, Traffic Mgr., 59 King St. East, Phone -- 114