THE COMPASS SHOWING EVERY POINT AND DEGREE. ae gy =e by 2% gas ° * x oo tet att eee eeaeg Fee Se4te -S#ER weeks (Se Fe pes Ae geese. Pes Sc a gig ttt gd a ass Seer Oty ee aS : a 4 ae aa? =r = 2 7 & ° OS pe * eee - os ° % a, 3 S 4 Pi, » * BS sv Se » 2 st oh se rp > vi "by - So, ye Eee Wa he so wee by ™ by y 5 &. Sat we * p. vy S Ww, x z BE. % Wy es B. % N.. W.uN, E. % N. WwW E. Ww. %S. E.&% 8. wW. %4 E¥sS w. % E % s, w. v9 > by gs Me oboe vy > rg Ww. 3° eo, 4& wee ap. v= ring 2S, w- qi: So %s '3 Lee : "6 wvF eo ks > yr! a & a Xe sie ol @ %e os" ¢ @ *e- ee Ee air to 5 © bo" 2 Vag SPREE OEE eE ogo BOS oe FR aR es FFE, oe ot 2 oY x os Cw axy paw: ze oat The Italians have always contended that Flavio Gioja, of Amalia, Italy, invented the Compass in the year of 1362 A. D. The Chinese also claim to have invented the Compass in the year 2634 BG, used it at sea was about the year 300 A. D. The Venetian Marco Polo is supposed to have introduce another Italian, Flavio Gioja, a Neapolitan mavigator, to w Legend also has it that the Swedes were 4 8 but the earliest date that they appear to have d it into Europe in about 1260 A. D. His work was furthered by hom belongs the credit of the suspension of the needle in 1302 A. D. familiar with the Compass in the time of King Jarl Birger, 1250 A. D. Copyrighted by Fred W. Green, 1948