SELF-UNLOADING BOATS ON THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Ae Hatches Cap. of Compartments Name Dimensions Cap. : Leth. Type Owners | a No. Size No.1 No.2 No.3 No. 4No.5 No.6 Soe ee Thunder Bay Quarries .504. 54. 30. 8100" Coal. 14 12° 1900" 1700: 1100.. 2200. 1200. = =. 216" Conveyor Boland & Cornelius, Buffalo, N. Y. With attachable 30' chute Transport =. 2 ee 204. AG. 14. 1850 Coal 1-20 Ton Crane--1-30 Ton Derrick Cargo Carried on Deck Unloader Roen S.S. Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. United States Gypsum. .504. 56. 30. 9100 Coal 29 9' 1950 2500 2200 2450... ve 86,6" Conveyor Boland & Cornelius, Buffalo, N. Y. With attachable 30' chute 1&3-48'x28' 2-80'x28' Valley Camp (Can,)....252... 43.3 26:3 2700 Coal 13 8' 1000. 900 800 --.. ae S 86' Conveyor Valley Camp Coal Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Venus... 27-3... 3. 346. 48. - 28. 5000 Steel 3 awe cS ye . e : 2-25' Unloader Interlake S. S. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. a ee -27x! oe nee Le < Warrenco (Can.). ..... 221. 26. 3h6 800. Coal... Ho 300-4200. (150. 150 Unloader Pyke Salvage Co., Kingston, Ont. West ©. C.. . 2 . 572. 60. Si: 117800 Coal 34 9' 600. 1100 1375 600 650 1900 = 204' Conveyor Rockport S. S. Co., Sheboygan, Wis. Beer Oe ee ee No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 1900. 1250 1325: 1150 White, Wok... 2. 530. 60. 31. 10200 Stone 30 9' 3000 1900 1900 3400 =... os 202° Conveyor Bradley Transp. Co., Rogers, Mich. SO eee a ie 9500 Coal .. 4... 2800 1700. 1700. 3300 a oe MYAMOOUE ees 346. 45. 24. ziS0 Coal 18 2 1200 ae 550 - es << 100' Conveyor Wyandotte Transp. Co., Detroit, Mich. ivisiona Yankcanuck (Can-):: .. 243: 41:8 19.6. 2200 Coal. =... 3-29x32 2200 Bulkheads ait) 60' Unloader Yankcanuck Transp. Co., Hamilton, Ont. ee ee eee ek: 4500 Stone .. See 1980 1620: 900... = 2 Young, Col: E. M....... 504. 54: 30: 1300: Coal 15 9' 1100. 700. 1100 1100 1200 1100 -- 190' {Conveyor Boland & Cornelius, Buffalo, N Y. No. 7-1000--Attachable 30' chute ee a ee 8800 Stone .. 900 700 1400 1400 1800 1700 \Scraper Type No. 7--900 GREENS GREAT LAKES DIRECTORY Most Complete Publication on the Lakes 187