CAR FERRIES OF THE GREAT LAKES Gross Built DIMENSIONS Year STEAMERS Ton- of Keel Built By Whom Built Where Built age Length Beam Depth 8 Str. Ann Arbor NO. 3. .2 2.2... 2047 ~=-- Steel 307' Be. 18'6" 1898 Globe Iron Works Cleveland, Ohio 8 Str. Ann Aroor No. 5.....2...2 20 | 2884 Steel 378' 56' 2. 1910 Toledo Ship Building Co. Toledo, Ohio 8 Str: Amp Arbor No. G.... 22.2.2... 2757 ~--s Steel 338' 56" 20'6" 1917 Great Lakes Eng. Works Ecorse, Mich. 8 Str. Atin Arbor NO. 7... 2.2. 2934 Steel 348' 56' 21" 1924 Manitowoc Ship Building Co. Manitowoc, Wis. 166 Str, Astignula 2. 2670 ~--s-- Steel 338' 56' 20°65" 1906 Great Lakes Eng. Works St. Clair, Mich. 135 Ste. Chiet Wawatam. .... 0 2990 = Steel Boe. 62' 25' 1911 Toledo Ship Building Co. Toledo, Ohio 207 Str. City of Cheboygan... .... 2... 1884 Steel 378' 56' 20 1910 Toledo Ship Building Co. Toledo, Ohio 38B ° Ste Cey ch Bant ce: ce 3ae1 . Steel 368' ST. Zo6" 1930 Manitowoc Ship Building Co. Manitowoc, Wis. 38B - Str: City of Midland 4! 3968 Steel 300'6'" 257' 25°6' 1941 Manitowoc Ship Bldg. Co. Manitowoc, Wis. 82 Str. City of Miiwankee...-........: 2933 = Steel 338' 56' 19'6" 1903. American Ship Building Co. Cleveland, Ohio 230 Sir) Detton. 2220 _ --s Steel 284' 64' 19'6" 1904 Great Lakes Eng. Works Ecorse, Mich. 38B Str City of Saginawl...3... 2: 3327 = Steel 3616" = 57) 22/6" 1929 Manitowoc Ship Building Co. Manitowoc, Wis. 82 Stren Rapids... 6 2942 Steel 348' 56' 216" 1926 Manitowoc Ship Building Co. Manitowoc, Wis. 34 Str dinron (Can)... 42.5... s. 1052 ~--s Iron 2000 -peg 123" 1875 Smith Pt. Edward, Ont. 34 Str. Landsowne (Can:). = 22....-. 1571... Iron 294' AVS! 13' 1884 Detroit Dry Dock Co. Detroit, Mich. 82 Str. Maticon. 6 2.2. 2942 Steel 348' 56' 20'6" 1916 Great Lakes Eng. Works Ecorse, Mich. 200 Sir. Manilowor 2. 2 ee 3093 = Steel 348' 65" 216" 1926 Manitowoc Ship Building Co. Manitowoc, Wis. 35 Bee Opdensbing 0. eect es, 1369 Steel 290' 45' 126" 1930 American Ship Building Co. Lorain, Ohio 158 Str, Ontario No. 1: (Cans)... 332. 5146 ~--s Steel 306' oe 20'6" 1907 Canadian Ship Building Co. Toronto, Ont. 158 Str Ontario No: 2. (Can) 4... 63... 5568 Steel S07 6. 54° 20'6" 1915 Polson Iron Works Toronto, Ont. 38B Str. Pere Matquette 10... ........ 2769 -- Steel Sie. 53" ae 1945 Manitowoc Ship Building Co. Manitowoc, Wis. 38B°. Str. Pere Marquette 12... 2. ......5. 2767 ~=-- Steel 372" ee ae. 1927 Manitowoc Ship Building Co. Manitowoc, Wis. ooo Str. Pere Marquette 14. oe . 2531-- Steel 326! 52 21' 1904 Detroit Ship Building Co. Detroit, Mich. O8B. Str Pere Marquette 15°... 472 Zit Steel 338' 56' 196" 1910 American Ship Building Co. Chicago, Tlf... Seb Str. Pere Marquette 21: 2.2... : :; 3016 = Steel 348' 5b" 21/6" 1924 Manitowoc Ship Building Co. 'Manitowoc, Wis. . 366 Str. Pere Marquette 22... ........-. 3009 = Steel 348' 56' 216" 1924 Manitowoc Ship Building Co. Manitowoc, Wis. . 135 Sir: Sainte Marie 6... a 2383 = Steel 232° 62' Zo" 1913 Toledo Ship Building Co. Toledo, Ohio. 78 Sip Wade 2 a a 3366 = Steel 368' 5G - 216" 1927 Toledo Ship Building Co. Toledo, Ohio. 233 Bt ee ee 310): - Steel 346' 65' 21'6" 1930 Toledo Ship Building Co. Toledo, Ohio 207