J. J. KOEPSELL CoO. WHOLESALE "The Right Goods, Right When You Want Them" MARINE HEADQUARTERS--24-Hour Service Engineers' Supplies, Valves, Pipe & Fittings | Exclusive Agents _ Johns-Manville asbestos, boiler cements, covering and packings ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND MATERIAL - South 9th At Commerce SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN | Phone: Dial 3646 Optenberg Iron Works SHEBOYGAN, WIS. BOILER MAKERS and MACHINISTS ELECTRIC ARC and GAS WELDING Repairing Promptly Attended to Complete Line of Pipe, Valves, Fittings Phone: Dial 4871-4872 S. Seventh and Clara Ave. FIVE DEPARTMENTS AT YOUR SERVICE Mill Supplies Motors Wiring Materials Welding Equip. New Wire | Trans. Equip. Used Fittings | Belt Dressing Repairs Switches Belt Hooks Bearings Control Pumps Brushes Lamps Drills Babbitt Fuses Lighting Fixtures Appliances Commercial Minor Industrial Major Residence Telephones HONOLD & LAPAGE, INC. SHEBOYGAN 815-19 Penn Ave. WISCONSIN Phone: Dial 5544 Phone: Dial 5571 EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS 1113 Georgia Ave. Marine Trade a Specialty SHEBOYGAN, WIS. 377