Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Green's Great Lakes Directory, 1949, p. 410

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COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAK ES--Continued Kaministiquia River. 1 Level Luffing Crane with 6 ton clam shell. 2 McMyler Whirlies. Length of booms: 1, 75 feet; 1, 68 feet. Size of clam shells used 1% ton. Capacity per 10 hours of 3 machines 3,500 tons. Storage capacity 30,000 tons bituminous, 8,000 tons anthracite. Depth of water at dock 16 feet. RK. RK. Conn.: C. P. BK. C. N. Ry. Can handle any length boat and beam. Supt.--Antheny Kondreska. Phone 1579. Steel Rail Unloading Docks-- Canadian Pacific Railway. Canadian National Railway. GANANOQUE, ONT. Sampson Coal Co., Ltd.-- Dock located on St. Lawrence River. Purchasing Agent--J. B. Sampson. Use self-unloading boats. Storage capacity 1,500 tons. Depth of water at dock 12 feet. Length of dock 100 feet. RK. BR. Conn.: ©. N. kh. ER. GARY, IND. Illinois Steel Co. (Rail Loading Dock)-- Locomotive cranes used. Use any number machines necessary. Work day and night. Capacity 2,400 tons in 48 hours. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can load two medium sized boats at once. GLADSTONE, MICH. Delta Coal & Dock Co.-- Phone 2601. Little Bay De Nock, foot Delta Ave. Use self-unloading boats only for coal. Barber Green's and Caterpillar Cranes. Capacity per 10 hours 250 to 750 tons. Dock for use of coal, gravel, sulphur, rock and pig iron. Storage capacity 150,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle boats of any length. R. R. Conn.: None. G. M. Nolden, Pres. and Mgr. GOAT ISLAND, ONT. (LITTLE CURRENT) Canadian Pacific Railway Co.-- Windsor St. Station, Montreal, Que. North side of Little Current Channel. 1 Brown Hoist. 5 ton clam shell used. Capacity per 10 hours 3,000 tons. Work day & Night. Storage capacity 400,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 19' 3". Length of dock 1,000 ft. Maximum length of boat any. . Gen. Pur. Agt., B. W. Roberts. Coal Pur. Agt., M. P. Foley. Supt.--L. Barone. This dock also used by Pittsburgh Coal Co. GODERICH, ONT. Electric Light Plant-- Capacity per day 225 tons. Use self-unloading boats only. Goderich Salt Co.-- Location: In harbor.. Use self-unloading boats only. Using 100,000 tons per year. Purchasing Agent--R. K. Wurtele. Storage capacity 10,000 tons. - Dock located foot St. James St. on Fox River. Supt.--T. G. Glazier. Government Dock-- Charles C. Lee, operator. South side of harbor. Can handle any size boat. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF COAL AND ORE DOCKS 410

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