COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Warehouse 200x50, 200,000 cu. ft. Dock 800 feet long. Can handle any size boat. R..R. Conn.: Canadian National. Ontario Paper Co. (Coal Dock)-- Phone Thorold 264. Located on the Welland Canal. 2 Hammerhead type cranes electric 56 feet long. 2 ton buckets used. Capacity per 10 hours 1,800 tons to 2,400 tons from hopper at dock, then by belt conveyor to storage scraper system. Storage capacity 50,000 tons. Supt.--A. Wilson. Res. Phone N. Falls 3545. Ontario Paper Co. (Pulpwood Dock)-- Phone Thorold 264. Located on the Welland Canal. 4 conveyors 750 feet long (each). 2 Lidgerwoods with steam hoists with 50 foot booms. Capacity 80 cords per hour. 45 foot booms and elevated about 16 feet high. Capacity per 10 hours 800 cords. Storage capacity 50,000 cords pulpwood. Length of dock:300 feet. == Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Supt.--A. Wilson. Res. Phone N. Falls 3545. Ontario Paper Co. (Paper Loading Dock)-- Phone Thorold 264. Located on the Welland Canal. 2 conveyors, 245 feet in length. Capacity 120 tons per hour. Paper storage building has 4,000 tons capacity. 2 Orton cranes with 59 foot booms. Capacity per 10 hours 1,000 tons of newsprint. Have 2 warehouses that will hold 11,000 tons newsprint. Depth of water at dock 25 feet. Length of dock 600 feet. Supt.--A. Wilson. Res. Phone N. Falls 3545. Weaver Coal Co., Ltd., F. P.-- Phone 320 Thorold Dock. G. E. Bindon, Branch Mgr. Located east bank of Welland Ship Canal, north of Guard Gate. Office: 347 Bay St., Toronto, Phone El. 3271. Purchasing Agent--C. P. Hotchkiss, 347 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Use self-unloading boats only. 1 North West whirlie, length of boom 50 feet. Size of clam shell buckets used 144 yard. Capacity per 10 hours 500 tons. 3 Barber Green Conveyors. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Storage capacity 75,000 tons. Maximum length of boat 650 feet, any beam. Length of dock 1000 feet. R..B. Conn.: C. N.B. Supt.--G. E. Bindon. Res. Phone 182. THREE RIVERS, QUE. Dominion Coal, Ltd.-- Location: Extreme west end of city. 2 steel towers for unloading. Size of clam shells used 21% ton. Capacity per 10 hours 3,000 tons each. 1 Brown hoist with 1-ton clam shell with 42 foot boom. Capacity. per 10 hours 500 tons. . Storage capacity 250,000 tons. -- Mgr.--William Lambton. St. Lawrence Coaling, Ltd.-- 1595 du Fleuve St. Pres.--J. S. McGee. Vice Pres. Pur. Agt.--E. Bureaus. Fueling dock (can bunker any size boat). 3 Ind. Brown hoists, cranes, 2-ton clams. Capacity unloading for 10 hours 1200 tons. Storage capacity 40,000 tons coal. Depth of water at dock 35 feet, length of dock 635 feet. Supt.--A. Harrison. RK. R. Conn.: C, PR, TOLEDO, OHIO Allied Oil Co.-- Standard Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Storage capacity 2,500,000 gallons. R. KR. Conn.: W.& G, E.. READ CAREFULLY EVERY ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS DIRECTORY 468 iss Ba TS Sh Ni dg a ci