ibe SSSA) & o Sa SS, Qe eee SS SST St SSO SE--<S> Son, ] SSS <n Oye > ASN SSS ay) > yy VN: A Sn LESS wa » 2 e ~itn, <> > See ; RS For Every Ship that Has to Work for a Living There's a... Ena d R A ee a tte . cossSS f WS YS : STEAM ENGINE A: x Wyeysyb aaa S Sas vA Sea <> Wits ANEUVERABILITY, overload capacity, depend- ability, low operating cost, and low maintenance cost... these are the factors that account for the enviable reputation of Skinner Marine Unaflow Steam Engines wherever hard work has to be done. SS 4 y Y oS , SS SASS SSL. " SSS - \ SKINNER ENGINE COMPANY, ERIE, PA. Skinner Marine Unaflow Steam En- gines are available in capacities from 400 to 6000 horsepower, with from two to six cylinders and in various lengths of stroke. Those qualities have been proven time and again in actual gruelling service, on ocean, river, and lake... by tugs, by freight car and passenger ferries, by ocean-going cargo liners, by all types of vessels which have to earn their keep by unfailing, schedule-keeping, economical operation. Before you select the engines for new ships or for the modernization of present craft, consult Skinner Marine engineers. Write for our new marine catalog. Licensees for Canada: Canadian Vickers, Limited, Leto